“Government forced to backtrack on copyright in the EUROPEAN union”

“the Government is forced to back down and vote no to the settlement agreement in the EU on the revised and debated the directive on copyright laws on the internet. A majority in the EU council, which also regeringspartnern the green Party joined, forcing the government to change the foot.”

“– the EU-the majority decided to propose to the government to vote no. I regret that, in this way failing to 150 000 cultural workers in Sweden and it is failing the creative industries, says justice minister Morgan Johansson (S) who, at the last moment had snabbinkallats to the parliamentary committee on EU affairs.”

“He denotes the Green party vote against the government in the board such as”

“”I have not been through it before,” says Morgan Johansson.”

“Morgan Johansson does not believe that the board’s new orders to the government will make any difference to the outcome of the vote in the EU council of ministers on Monday. Then shall the settlement with the EUROPEAN parliament formally approved.”

“– There is a large majority of the settlement anyway, so the directive will with very high probability to be approved, nevertheless, believes Johansson.”

“Moderaten Tomas Tobé see the decision as a victory.”

” We have managed to collect a majority of the board to compel the government to vote against the copyrightdirektivet. The social democrats are now alone in wanting to push for a länkskatt and a uppladdningsfilter, says Tobé.”