“Greta läxar up to the elite in Davos”
“Greta Thunberg, travels to the World Economic Forum to highlight the climate issue.”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“Now filled the ski resort of Davos in Switzerland by the politicians, finansfolk and snipers. Säkerhetspådraget is large at the annual conference, the World economic forum is going on for the week.”
“At an early morgontåg from Stockholm is Greta Thunberg, 16 years. Environmental activist, has just been interviewed on the Skavlan and appeared at the sports gala. Earlier in the fall, she held the speech before world leaders at the climate summit in Katowice, Poland. It is now in Davos to take part of her battle for the climate.”
“the World economic forum has released a report on our greatest economic threats. On the top five list four points on the climate. Of all the challenges facing humanity, it is ”in relation to the climate that the world is most apparent is sleep-walking straight into a disaster,” writes the report.”
“But Greta Thunberg learn to face some resistance in Davos. The largest newcomer on the conference is Brazil’s new president: klimathotsförnekaren Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro kick-started his reign with to begin the pillaging of large parts of the Amazon. This may have major consequences for the rest of the world’s environmental work, because the rainforests functioning as the planet’s lungs – it sucks up our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen back. With a shrinking Amazon will the greenhouse effect will be strengthened.”
“But Greta Thunberg also has many on his side. David Attenborough is in Davos this week. Sir Attenborough is 92 years old, known for his wildlife documentaries on the BBC and has been voted as Britain’s most trusted celebrity. Yesterday he held a speech and urged world leaders to strengthen themselves in the issue of climate change.”
“– We need to get past the feelings of guilt and blame, and put in the time with the practical tasks ahead, ” said Attenborough.”
“David Attenborough pointed out that what we are doing now, a couple of years forward, will determine how the next thousand years. Climate change is an existential threat to the entire humanity. “
“It is easy to wave away climate. The biggest threat of all feels far away, while the temporary shocks is acute.”
“But the climate is about life and death. Barely a month in 2019 has extremvädret already hit many. The worst of the storm in Thailand for 30 years, forcing people to barricade their houses with planks. In the solomon islands has been incessant rain in two weeks has destroyed 22 000 people’s homes and crops. In the Alps just to the east of Davos has warmer and more humid air led to snökatastrofer. In addition, we have just been informed that the glaciers melting even faster than scientists previously thought.”
“World leaders should fight to be first with the best solutions to the climate crisis. When they meet in skrytsammanhang as the World economic forum, the matter should have the highest priority. Instead, it seems that around 1,500 private jet will land and take off in Davos during the week.”
“The most hopeful in the Alps is a 16-year-old who has taken the train there.”