Provocative, the title to Anne Wills ARD-debate on Sunday evening: “a Strike instead of Cramming asked – to change the Generation Greta is the policy?” Then, in search of answers, as it turned out The school strike of up to one and a half million young people in 3000 cities has little to do with Timpani, but he is like a global Bang. To be sound means: Civil disobedience for the big picture, responsibility of youth towards risky waste of the Old.
the light form of the young people who go under the Motto of “Fridays for Future” out on the street, Greta Thunberg from Sweden became, in the beginning of January is 16 years old. Every day, in any weather, kept Greta Thunberg, against the advice of their parents – for 20. August 2018 on the steps in front of Stockholm’s Parliament, the members of your Transparent: “Skolstrejk för contrary Klimatet”. These are the three words of Swedish, learned to the Rest of the world, after Thunberg had then held on the world climate summit in December, made a short speech for the Initiative “Climate Justice Now”, in the plaid shirt and long braids.
“to see you are Mature enough to face the facts”, said the adult, “even this is a burden that you leave us children.” The luxury of the Rich, a sacrifice of the biosphere, but a turn to make, no matter who the please.Last Friday, Greta had called for 25,000 young demonstrators in Berlin to a constructive “panic” and in the name of the children and young people, the radicals of the climate crisis, Reduce demanded: “We want a future – is that too much to ask for?” Your English is pointedly and liquid.
Greta flanked by Habeck and activist
On Saturday, she received a special prize of “Golden camera”, on Sunday, now the big instigator with the small stature was by Video virtual guest in the ARD-show “Anne”. The presenter had recorded the conversation with her previously, sequences of it were displayed during the round. (The full Interview in English, there are online on the Anne-Want-to-site).
Live Thun Berg’s concern of the 19-year-old activist and computer science student Therese Kah, seconded by Robert Habeck, Chairman of the party of the Greens, the survey of the sun seems to be currently the brightest were flanked. School must educate responsible citizens, Habeck, the order for the strike to come. “You have so well taken care of in the school, that you know what it is about.”
As a climate-Warner, the astrophysicist Harald Lesch, was a gifted remote rather clarifier of complex science topics, from the structure of matter to the Evolution of the human species. No question that Professor Lesch was fond of Greta: “a lot more students would have to Friday, from school.”
there Are severe storms over Central Europe, Lesch, “would no more talk about the compulsory education”. The young people tell the truth, Lesch, “you want to get hold of office”, but worried about their future, and they were “the only ones that take the science seriously.”
Kubicki with shrewd pragmatism
Beyond stubborn Identity Politics, lost Brexit-nationalisms, or a narrowing network of fixedness, a part of the youth is increasing globally on the barricades, very analog, very physically present. The young oppose the ruthless System of the Elderly. The Part taken on with Anne Will of the professional politicians Reiner Haseloff, a Christian Democrat and Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt and belongs to the coal Commission, and, as Angela Merkel, physics has studied, as well as Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy Chairman of the FDP, whose economic pragmatism represents he slyly wherever he can.
The charm, the spell of the wonders of climate, wondrous child, Greta, was very clear, were not allowed to these men completely, in order not to squat, as a representative of short-sighted profit-orientation. Especially Haseloff showed understanding for the “Generation Greta,” less, however, for the strikes. Kubicki lacked the understanding completely, It has to be tails “is simply a school”, the students harm only themselves.
Therese Kah straightened, it is only through the Demonstrate to free of days is “attention”, exams would not be neglected in General, and the world climate report, urge, finally, to hurry up to 2030.
Verbal tussle with Habeck
predicted Optimistic Reiner Haseloff, the climate targets are achievable and would be achieved, one must think in a more global instead of national. From Robert Habeck, the good news is, all the technical possibilities were, and there came, there was not a knowledge deficit, it just need the political will.
“We can’t change from today to tomorrow, all the power plants,” said Wolfgang Kubicki, India, China, South Africa wanted to develop and need energy. The are also on the way to non-fossil energy sources, countered Habeck. Verbal tussle fought Kubicki with Habeck to the switch-off plan for coal-fired power plants – and as Habeck suspected Kah, the new “climate Cabinet” the government is going to prove to be the “tea party”.
Angela Merkel’s praise of the children, the demonstrate of the “Fridays for Future”, and Harald Lesch was feared Recorded, you would be “under the shoulder knocking collapse”, and it will not “discussed the importance of the issue appropriate”.
Germany will fail to meet its own climate targets, if the country follows the recommendations of the coal Commission, says the science – while the real politicians summon compromises, such as Reiner Haseloff warned: You need to take the “acceptance of the population” concerns “the people,” to appease radical voters. As Wolfgang Kubicki agreed – and Robert Habeck reminded that the rise of the AfD, depending on the Gusto of “the refugees” or “climate protection” to “serve” – the policy should not drive.
grown-up Version of Greta
Social policy and welfare are not contrary to climate protection, is also convinced Therese Kah, the embodied, so to speak, a grown-up Version of Greta Thunberg, the keyword giver of the shipment. Thunberg, the daughter of an Opera singer and an actor, is to have a Form of autism, which explains the persistence, and concentration, the it is dedicated to since the age of nine climate change.
you think of “the world from a different perspective,” she said to Masha Forgotten, this year’s winner of the Leipzig book award for European understanding, as this she interviewed in October 2018 for the “New Yorker”. “People with autism,” said Thunberg, “have special interests.”
fame, it seems, is not objecting to the teenager. The media interest will wane, says she herself calm. Consistent, serious, concerned, and friendly, Greta Thunberg, whose face can sometimes act like a child from a fairy tale movie responded on Anne will’s questions. “I’m realistic,” she said, “I know the facts”.
you have no doubt that there is no other choice, than to be consistent and active, all your Speeches you write for yourself, and in the dangerous nuclear power, you see, contrary to the claim, no way out. Meat consumption, air travel, the in Greta’s family.
No compromise? Will smiles at the questions. Answer: “a Man either lives sustainably, or you are not living in a sustainable way.” Their Mission is “to bring to the world with the Paris agreement”. In this sense, Harald Lesch, Anne pleaded Want to specifically save for individual phases of doing nothing as a strategy for energy, for an “energy Sabbath”.
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Golden camera for Greta Thunberg “We are at a crossroads of history”
Elisabeth Binder
2078, had Greta Thunberg said at the world climate conference, will your 75. Birthday parties. Maybe your kids would ask you what would, then, why the adults, as long as you could still act not did the Correct thing. The Generation Greta not only thinks a Generation.