When Captain Marvel crash lands in Los Angeles in the year 1995, she is dressed in eye-catching sparkling green leather-and-steel-tights. In order to better blend in on earth steals rymdflyktingen an outfit from a mannequin – a large, worn leather jacket and a t-shirt adorned with industrirockbandet Nine Inch Nails iconic sign.

Now have Brie Larson, who plays Captain Marvel in the bioaktuella superhjältesuccén with the same name, not exactly a look that makes the she in their new clothes immediately into the depprockare. She is honungsblond, for the natural is, for pure. But with a few small modifications she had been able to become a part of the nittiotalets both the ugliest and raraste subculture – mall goth.

the Mall goths was, between the late nineties and early nollnolltal, young people in black lipstick and Slipknot shirts who drove around in american shopping malls in general, and in all of the sad teenagers favoritklädbutik Hot Topic in particular. They listened to Evanescence and Marilyn Manson, and their favorite movie was always, without exception, Tim burton’s ”The nightmare before Christmas”.

at the name @1990smallgoth totally devoted to giving this utskrattade subculture redress. On the picture after the picture appears the lobed hairstyles, the mildly-tightened korsetterna, the cheap nithalsbanden. In an interview with nätmagasinet Dazed says the account owner, a high school student from Arizona: ”I really did not expect that so many others shared my love for an old trend that people usually laugh at and think is embarrassing.” But, this is precisely why you love köpcentrumsgoterna, because they are embarrassing, they look like hell but they look to have so much fun.

In Sweden they go, perhaps, to compare with the late nollnolltalets Plate-emos – the merchants at Point Shop at Sergelgatan (fulgoth) rather than at the Blue Fox on Gamla Brogatan (fingoth) and spent all of their waking time in the stairs at the Plate in Stockholm. If the year had been 2007, I had not dared to use the epithet as ”emo” and ”goth” so casually, you could be lynchad and hanged along with the culture house facade to mix up subcultures, and did not know that ”emo” was a music genre and ”fashioncore” a style of dress one would rather not show themselves at all around the main square, Sergels torg.

In the same way they hated real goths galleriagoterna. To buy their clothes at Hot Topic and listen to Marilyn Manson was not genuine, they were gothens fjortisar, often literally – perhaps they started as a mall goth in their early teens and grew into a cooler svartrocksroll. It can still be seen in the comments section of Instagramkontot, which wintered gothare läxar up the poor high school student, that she indeed does not know what goth is.

many mall goths left in the u.s. shopping malls, and on the Plate is no longer emogängen and compete about who smokes their Black Devils coolast.

But millennieskiftets fashion is – despite the fact that it just took over!!! – on the way back, and if you squint, it is difficult to see the difference on the Instagrams right now the trendiest and nittiotalets most mocking teenagers. They have the same heavy chains, the same fast sunglasses, the same accessories in the varnish. On the latest the fashion show of the immensely popular French fashion brand Vetements, which, according to the chefsdesignern Demna Gvasalia ”draws its inspiration from the internet”, will see half of all the models as if they were taken with a time machine from a dingy american-style shopping mall in 2002.

Therefore, it is somewhat of a disappointment when Captain Marvel finally decides that she doesn’t have Nine Inch Nails shirt, and instead, the design of his costume in red and blue and gold. Marvel’s first movie with a female superhero in the lead role, in all its glory – I had rather seen Marvel’s first mall goth-hero.