“Grumpy fencing for power in Spain”

“Olle Svenning of political espionage and corruption that paves the way for the left on Sunday”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Just before the Spanish parliamentary elections in the morning, the dirty political sewers opened for public scrutiny. The name is Las cloacas the interior, the state department’s sewage. It stinks of sewer. In the floating remains of political spying carried out by the right-wing government and directed against the left party Podemos.”

“In years of political minions on the Home assigned to intercept, report on, infiltrate and monitor Podemos, their meetings, phone calls, private arrangements, everything. The purpose is clearly stated: Podemos must at all costs be kept away from the government. For the sake of the political the spies searched data and the scandals within the party, appropriate to leak to the media. When it proved too difficult fabricerades scandals, most were about the secret partidonationer from Latin america, about cooperation with the dictators.”

“The fake news was widely spread; spioneriet was successful. But now, it is the past, judicial review is in progress.”

“the Revelations concerning the sewer in the state’s center justify, paradoxically, Podemos the whole political project.”

“the Agents of the ministry of the interior got the pacifier all over the world. The other day wrote the great liberal Swedish morning paper, in an otherwise abstractedly leader, Podemos was allied with the Maduro Venezuela.”

“nAvslöjandena of sewer in the government center justify, paradoxically, Podemos all political projects, to reveal the ruling elitenu002Fkasten – and making it accountable to the people.”

“Corruption sits deeper and is more extensive in Spain than in any other western european country. During the early socialist government (PSOE) lost the governor, the chief escaped, the minister married into the top economic elite. In addition, the established dödsskvadroner that executed the ETA activists.”

“Högerregeringarna (PP) that followed had ministers who ran the banks into bankruptcy and enriched themselves. The party was funded by the bolagsherrar, which was awarded the lucrative construction projects. The entire real estate industry was transformed into the euro-press, and the capital flowed. The party also paid to the hard-line civil garden.”

“PSOE and PP alternated with the government, received and shared-out privileges until the capitalist crisis of 2007-2008 broke the country. Partiväsendet changed. The right wing would civilize them by the liberal Ciudadanos and to the left would Podemos to take over the socialist hegemony.”

“It could have been possible. PP was about to be consumed by its own corruption and the PSOE became a pale copy of the so-devastating Tony Blair-politics. Podemos conquered the cities of Madrid and Barcelona and made them into social laboratories with direct democracy, social housing, major environmental improvements. Ciudadanos mounted the bottom parts of the right-wing clerical and bigoted morality, its backwardness and narrow-minded nationalism.”

“nMycket changed for a couple of years ago when the Catalan independence movement grew stronger and was met by a brutal repression. Elected Catalan politicians thrown in jail.”

“A sort of emergency legislation carried out jointly by the right, the liberals and the socialists.”

“Podemos became most confused. Ciudadanos turned into the most militant of the nationalist party. As if liberalism has something of an authoritarian state to do or to regionalism contrary to the EU’s ideas. Against a possible Spanish federalism was nationalism, one of the conservative catholicism and the backward-looking admiration of the army. All this rubble was a key element in the long, oppressive Franco dictatorship.”

“you december last year resurfaced as the Spanish fascism as a popular movement. The party, the Vox, the dictator Franco’s heir, got 400 000 votes at the (cd & v) in Andalusia.”

“It was there, more specifically in Granada, one of our time’s greatest poet and playwright, Federico García Lorca was murdered, at the behest of general Franco. Lorca was a democrat, distant to the reactionary church and he was gay. In all respects, a fascist enemy.”

“the Vox leader, Santiago Abascal, coming from the PP and led a högermilis in Madrid. He sums up his ideological belief: Etnokulturell nationalism, common cultural, linguistic and religious identity. Military strength, male dominance.”

“the Conservatives and the liberals joined him in a joint regional government. “

“The reactionary bloc manifested in the February of their community during demonstrations against the socialist government and against the Catalan independence movement. Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa gave a speech in sheen to the folkmötet. He approached the Vox. He had forgotten all García lorca’s fate? He did not want to remember the classic poet Antonio Machado, who were driven into exile, and in the death of the fascists?”

“nInför the parliamentary elections on april 28 in the shape on the right, the liberals and the nyfascisterna a substantially unified regeringsalternativ. Another example of european borgerlighets maturity, perhaps also a result of the ”oblivion pact” which, until recently, prevented any independent examination of the fascistepoken.”

“the Socialists have finally broken the pact and demanded that the long fascist history to be unveiled, is portrayed, that its victims should be given justice, if such is possible. “

“The hundreds of thousands killed, the republicans should not remain anonymous. Buried in unnamed graves. The concentration camps, where a million people incarcerated, must be disclosed in its savagery. Franco’s corpse should not be allowed to remain in the ascetic the grave at the grotesque monument to the vale of The fallen the valley, built by political prisoners, by the”.”

“the Socialists have finally broken the pact and demanded that the long fascist history to be unveiled, is portrayed, that its victims should be given justice.”

“the Liberals reject the requirements. Memoria Histórica must not be touched. The PP has never seriously been out of a kind of sentimental relation to Francostyret. The party is therefore bound to fall or cut when they are attacked from a completely komplexfritt home-grown fascist as Vox.”

“nStyrkeförhållandena within the left have also changed. Podemos torn between a direction as to maintain the populist strategy, and another that, simply put, wants to conquer the political-parliamentary power, and particularly hard to stress the contradiction between labor and capital.”

“And it is this vänstersocialistiska direction received majority, except in Madrid.”

“Even the socialist party, PSOE, has been plagued by crises and contradictions. The party’s regional maktapparat, ”barons”, fought the long time party leader Pedro Sanchez, and was greatly supported by the older socialistgenerationen and from the once-influential vänstertidningen El País.”

“Sanchez has maneuvered out of their partimotståndare and the socialists are once again Spain’s leading party, radicalising and, in agreement with the two largest of our national organizations. Sanchez is one of the very few european politicians who fought for a generous and open refugee policy. Emmanuel Macrons contrast.”

“According to virtually all of the lobbying firms will be the socialists the largest party. According to the official mätinstitutet CIS can PSOE be twice as large as that of the PP.”

“nMånga warnings need to be issued. Over 40 per cent of voters are yet undecided on their choice. CIS is headed by sociologiprofessorn José Felix Tezano, a fervent socialist, often their lojaliteters superior. We have had many conversations; Tezano was a supporter of the löntagarfonder – a sympathetic ambition.”

“The national elections may be overshadowed by those in Catalonia.”

“The political trials against Catalan politicians and folkrörelseledare continues. Konfliktnivån is high. Självständighetspartierna seems to win the majority, and particularly the republican left party ERC have success. It could defuse the Catalan question. Socialists and Catalan politicians met in 2010 a settlement of the autonomy; the decision was by the right.”

“Yet is very uncertain but the possibilities are good that Spain, like Portugal, can form a government with broad support from the whole left.”

“Almost on the day, 80 years after the republic’s death.”