“Guilty of torture go free in Sweden”

“Debater: at the same time manages not american care to help torment the victim.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Torture is a crime that is in three-quarters of the world’s countries and affects entire communities, both where it’s been done and in the countries where the injured refugees are received. The work against the abuse is a matter of common concern in a globalised world and the countries receiving the refugees need to realize that tortyrskadebehandling is a must if the survivor should be able to be integrated. “

“As a state, Sweden has, since 1985, committed to oppose torture and to strengthen the tortyrskadades rights – a commitment that we too rarely honors it. Most serious are the shortcomings in medical care.”

“Historically, Sweden has been difficult to ensure that people who are at risk of being subjected to torture if expelled to be given asylum in our country belong to the states that have been criticized the most times by the UN Committee Against Torture that our asylum process is not considered tortyröverlevare credible. “

“We have also criticised the order that our legislation is toothless against the perpetrators. For a long time was torture not even mentioned in the Swedish legislation – in 2013 made the abuse punishable by law in connection with the legislation on war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. “

“Nevertheless, remain important parts of criticism: the Perpetrators who committed the international crime in circumstances other than those mentioned in the act from 2013 – tell a torturer from Iran’s prisons – still have impunity here, unlike in many other countries.”

“The legal criticized the passivity is followed up by tortyrskadades rights, that Sweden has committed itself to help tortyroffren back to health – not be realized consistently. “

“Tortyröverlevare have the right to medical examination, documentation of their injuries, rehabilitation and support in their quest for redress. “

“Overall, the rights, the basis for a person to get proper and effective medical care and rehabilitation, to have a good basis for decisions in the asylum process and be able to assert its position as the victim in a future trial, for example, the International criminal court. “

“today is neither the somatic care or psychiatry trained in working with the consequences of torture. “

“Old damage and its smärtkonsekvenser, as well as psychological reactions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), identified and treated too often. Specialist expertise is very unusual, when it comes to somatic studies and adequate documentation is almost non-existent. “

“the Lack of medical investigation to tortyröverlevare risk getting the wrong diagnoses, and wrong actions, and thus are forced to live with pain for the rest of your life – torterarens intention, but should not be acceptable in the states that have ratified the convention against torture protection for survivors victims of crime. “

“Sweden, have no in the day of a functioning and integrated psychiatric and somatiskt course of care for torture victims. Access to specialized health care for war – and tortyröverlevare in Sweden is ultimately a state responsibility. “

“to live up to what we committed to in the work for human rights, Swedish should the state contribute financial resources, earmarked for this group, including to municipalities and the county council where there is a lack of knowledge about trauma and tortyrerfarenheter and its consequences. “

“the Government should appoint a national coordinator to ensure that funds are distributed and that knowledge is spread within all the relevant government and municipal operations, not least, county councils were, for example, are too few specialist clinics for traumatized refugees. “

“A national knowledge centre that gathers and contributes to the research on the patient population, in combination with clinical practice and offer tortyrskadedokumentation of international standard must be established. “

“Inspiration can be taken for example from the Danish equivalent of the centre of Copenhagen, a Dignity, which has long been an impressive business – a real role model for increased knowledge. Sweden, which through the years has given refuge to far more refugees, has a unique opportunity to contribute to the international research. “

“For tortyröverlevare with post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal thoughts, anxiety attacks, constant sleeping problems, pain, concentration problems, and flashbacks, it often becomes incredibly difficult to remember to take in new facts and skills, to learn a new language and function in everyday life or in the family. “

“Research shows that exile and migration-related factors, especially the quality of the integration process, is crucial for post-traumatic stress disorder develops and how severe the symptoms are. “

“giving early access to care and treatment is a right that reduces the individual’s suffering, and it is fundamental for a responsible integration policy. Access to health care prevent many of the societal challenges such as exclusion, long term sickness, mental illness and self-medication in the form of drugs and crime. “

“PTSD and pain often leads to isolation and disability, and imposes great costs on society in the long term. Traumatisation may also be inherited from parents to children, so-called andragenerationstraumatisering, and thus have extensive långtidspåverkan. How the individual patient is greeted and treated affects far more than just her. “

“Torment repercussions of which are difficult to cure and treat both at the individual level and in the society, but with the combined expertise and both psychiatric as somatic treatment and good social support is the opportunity to do so as the Swedish government promised in the convention against torture – to help tortyröverlevare back to health. “

“For that the promise shall be honoured, however, require a hefty ambitionshöjning from the government, county councils and municipalities, the page. “

“nSalah Haghgo, lecturer, coach, and PTSD-ambassador”

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