“Hållbarhetsmärkning of mackerel to be drawn into”

“the MSC label for sustainable fisheries drawn up for all mackerel caught in the north-east Atlantic since the stock declined sharply in recent years. Mackerel caught after the march 2, may no longer have the label, reports the Swedish Radio.”

” during a very long period of time fished above scientific advice. The scientific advice now recommends to the reduction of quotas of 68 per cent, ” says Minna Epps, program director at the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), to the radio.”

“in Order to regain the marking required is that of the EU, Norway, Iceland and the faeroe islands within 90 days to agree on a plan for how makrillfisket should be reduced to sustainable levels.”

“By the MSC drug check the label of the makrillfisket was 2012, in connection with a conflict between the EU and the Faroe islands.”