It’s always no. Traveling to Bergerac this Thursday, Emmanuel Macron once again closed the door to any tax increase, despite calls from part of the political class to go back on this promise in order to clean up public accounts. “We had a cyclical shock at the end of last year […], which meant that we had a deficit which deteriorated in 2023, and growth in 2024 that was weaker than expected,” said the head of state. And to immediately close “the hypothesis of saying that we are going to resolve this economic shock with more taxes”. This “French disease” would shake “the confidence of households, businesses, our partners,” he added, therefore preferring fiscal stability.
Instead of an increase in revenue generated by an increase in levies, the President of the Republic defended his policy based on a resumption of activity, thanks to full employment, reindustrialization as well as rearmament public services. “Is our strategy wrong? No, it produces results,” he exclaimed, highlighting his government’s fight against unemployment, a “French disease.” Emmanuel Macron also recalled the savings efforts requested from state services, to limit spending and the deficit. “Our line is simple, it is coherent […]. We believe in. […] I don’t think the answer is additional taxes,” he insisted.
These comments, made many times in the past and repeated on the very day of the opening of the online income declaration, will be listened to attentively by taxpayers, while calls to increase state revenues are increasing in the face of slippage in public accounts, including within the majority itself. At the end of March, François Bayrou called for “a discussion” to be opened on a targeted increase in taxes, which would affect “those who have the most means, including the most means depending on the crisis, without damaging the image of France which helps attract investors. Easier said than done, however, recognized the person close to the President of the Republic.
Also read “Bruno, you’ve been here for seven years”: at the Élysée, Macron’s bloodshed against Le Maire
During this trip to the Eurenco factory in Bergerac dedicated to the war economy and armaments, the head of state also defused the crisis which was undermining his relationship with the boss of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, present at his side. “There is no disagreement in the French Republic, there never has been, because it does not work like that, and this is not the way we have worked for seven years with the Minister of Economy and Finance,” he declared. Before repeating, a few seconds later, the “constancy” of the line carried by Bruno Le Maire.
This demining operation comes as tension has been rising between the two men for several days, as bad news has accumulated on the economic and financial level. “Bruno, you’ve been here for seven years,” said Emmanuel Macron, annoyed, during a meeting devoted to public finances, as revealed by Le Figaro. It remains to be seen whether the verdicts of the rating agencies, expected in a few weeks, will put an end to this apparent warming, in the event of bad news.