He turned with Robert Frank in Canada (“Candy Mountain”, 1987), traveled with Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf in the Antarctic (“The Congress of penguins”, 1993) and was accompanied by Ulrike Koch – despite the lack of permission to film from China – on the high plateaus of the Himalayas (“The salt men of Tibet”, 1997). You will not be able to claim, Pio Corradi had come around in his life and work. And yet the films in which he led the camera, something typical of Switzerland. You may call the photographic precision. Or aesthetic perfectionism.

Corradi, 1940 in Basel offer gastric Buckten born, knew early on that he wanted to Film. He had the thanks of a wet pleurisy, said the camera man, who was as a youth, three months in Davos to go to the Spa and movies. From the media, he learned that the Swiss filmmaker Kurt früh (“Bäckerei Zürrer”) photo count held Knowledge as essential for the development of visual skills. Corradi completed in Basel, the school of arts and crafts, trained as a photographer, trained, and moved to Zurich, where he graduated after a few years as a camera assistant in 1972 as a camera man for themselves.

What was his personal style, was Corradi asked once. “To a certain style, if you work regularly with the same Director,” he said. The was in Switzerland at the game film almost impossible. Nevertheless, or perhaps therefore, Corradi led again and again in films by Fredi M. Murer, the camera, starting with “Alpine fire” (1985), where we left together, the facade of a cure Alpine world collapse, up to its last Film, “love and chance” (2014).

Corradi, of the films was mainly for documentary (“The right light is for the camera man is indispensable, but in Switzerland you can rotate between 11 and 16 at barely, the light is much too hard.”), was 2018 awarded for the first time, the Swiss film prize in “köhler nights” lighting Director Robert Mueller, the almost lost craft of charcoal burning in Lucerne’s Entlebuch. It has a rotary under the most difficult conditions: night work, rain was life. The camera man was for his work perfectly: “The worse the weather, the better.” His last work “Passion”, for which he himself could no longer travel to China and South America, will come in the course of this year in the cinemas. Pio Corradi is on 1. January at the age of 78 years died. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 01.01.2019, 22:25 PM