“He went straight into where it was burnt”

“Anders Ehnmarks way to write imprinted a whole generation of”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“So began Anders Ehnmark a phone call in 1997. It was when Maciej Zaremba shook the country and the welfare state with its partially devious naming of democratic socialism, which is responsible for a steriliseringspolitik which was actually a much wider, and the trend over the world in the 1930s.”

“So was it often with Anders, he went straight into where it was burned. He passed not even the hall, but took immediately place in the living room. That most stunned me when he read any book I’ve written. His comments came as well from within my own book, and though we did not know each other closer, it was evident that he not only stayed in the midst of it but also made it easy for itself with the unusual combination of straightforward nonchalance and extreme sensitivity to nuance.”

“Anders Ehnmarks way to write embossed us in my generation. We wanted to all his stylistic elegance, his burning lågmäldhet, and it was not easy, it happened that the imitators made himself ridiculous. The ehnmarkska the tone, it was only he who could get forward, and now that I think about it, it stands out as a mystical poem.”

“He worked like this with a kind of paradoxes – for example, to a social befrielseprojekt could end up in conflict with its own goal: the realization of freedom. He never made it easy for themselves, was not of his mind’s escape, but loaded with the objections that nuanced message. Perhaps, one could say that he had a winning style.”

“With his books on Machiavelli and Tocqueville did, he ourselves against intellectual experiences that changed us, in particular if we disagreed with him. It where to be in agreement never felt important, not in the vicinity of how important the actual call was.”

“His vänstergeneration faithful, he never gaze from the third world’s poor masses. He said that the media tells us how Africa dies, but never how to live. With a range he could turn up and down on the whole perspective, and you could marvel at how few words he needed to get much said.”

“As a thinker was Anders Ehnmark kontinentaleuropé and his bottom is the Mediterranean. He had a utopia, it was built by calls.”

“He was fond of the image of the citizens assembled in the square, prepared to take reasons. He was a calm rationalist who brought themselves as a kvällstidningspoet who never needed to raise his voice.”

“It’s nice to think that Anders Ehnmark made us less provincial.”