In the fall we gave out this year’s perhaps the most talked about book – Anniken jørgensen’s “Just another night” . It is a story from the superbloggeren “Annijors” adolescence, a Romeo – and Julieaktig story which went straight in at first place on the charts and is among the year’s best-selling books.

Kristoffer Gaarder Dannevig. Show more

But the book also gave spark to the the fierce debate. Jon Rognlien ask 7. December the publisher to be transparent about the ethical assessments we do in advance of such releases. So: We thought all of the people that are mentioned much in the book, should read and approve the script in advance. Especially relevant was this with Annikens family and, not least, her ekskjæreste – as approved with a small correction, which we took to follow.

There was this ekskjærestens friend and partner in music duo Broiler, Simen Auke, that after the release threatened with going to court to stop the “Just another night” . A couple of places in the book had Anniken written something about her thoughts about the Increase a few years ago.

What goes on in the minds of the editors – other than the sight of the shining dollar sign? Comment

He did not get far with the lawsuit. It is directly wrong, as Rognlien writes, that the book was withdrawn. It would we never agreed on. It would have been almost impossible, because the book already was, so to speak, sold out in the bookstore. And we meant what we said – that we would fight for Annikens the right to tell their story.

the Settlement that essentially came down to whether to change some words to later editions, is not an admission of guilt – for we believe we were within it that should be okay.

There could also be interesting if the case went to court. One of the values to “Just another night” is just in that the book shows how the boundaries between the community life and family life has moved on in recent years, for example on social media. This is helpful for parents to gain an insight into the.

Skivebom from the Kroger Debate

another example is how the distinction between novel and biography has been eroded by virkelighetslitteraturen to, among other things Knausgård, Espedal and Deer. It is not good for readers to see the difference anymore. The big difference is for the publishing houses, just because there will be a more stringent ethical and legal requirements for a biography. We had in Panta publishing house published “Just another night” “novel”, it would hardly have been an uproar.

Therefore, experienced something of the criticism in the aftermath unfair. Especially when it came from the publishing house that gives out virkelighetslitteratur and totally exonerated from such ethical assessments. It was paradoxical to see that one of our critics, editor-in-chief of fiction at Gyldendal, Kari Marstein, immediately after the attack us, even got scathing criticism for having given out Espedals “novel” about an alleged assault without taking a position on the possible offended.

We rejoice, however, over psychologist Frode Thuens opinion in the debate, where he reminds about how important “Just another night” can be for young people who are struggling and parents who need to know how it is to be young today.