“Hipsterskägg can save the threatened illuminated”

“What have flatlusen in common with the giant panda? Not much. It is not cute. No one wants to have it. But just that the panda is threatened by extinction.”

“It has got to the Dutch biologist Kees Moeliker to act.”

“Since the british researchers in 2007 linked the contemporary kalrakade intimmode to flatlusens decline has Moeliker, director of the Natural history museum in Rotterdam, engaged for the species’ survival. For where the devastation of bambuskogar threatens pandornas survival, threatens to spoil the abdomen flatlössens existence.”

“Flatlöss spreads almost exclusively by people have sex, then the lice will take the opportunity to jump from shrub to shrub.”

“– Könshåret is their living space, their habitat, ” says Kees Moeliker to the German public service channel Bayerische Rundfunk.”

“ten years Ago, he gathers flatlöss to have copies to exhibit at the museum. It is not the Kees Moelikers first a little more offbeat projects, in 2003 he was awarded the alternative vetenskapspriset Journalists award for a study on the gräsänders sexual habits.”

“Without breeding programs and reserves, there is very little to suggest that the three million year-old species to avoid extinction. But Kees Moeliker know how each of us can take personal responsibility.”

” Not straight out, of course it is number one! And then, you should have sex with as many people as possible.”

“He also sees an opportunity for flatlusen to adapt to the new conditions and find new areas where it can live and thrive.”

“– At the zoological museum in Hamburg, I found a really nice copy – in skäggstrån! That copy is from 1917, so it is of course a long time ago, but it is possible to flatlöss love the beard. And now there are a lot of young people with hipsterskägg! It can be the salvation.”

“Flatlusen is about 1-2 millimeters long, oval, and flat. It has sharp claws to be able to stick at the hairs.”

“It sucks blood from humans and is found primarily on the parts of the body that have coarse hairs, mainly around the genitals, but the lice can also be found in armpits, beards and eyelashes.”

“Flatlöss is transmitted usually through sexual contact.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedien”