It has blown hard around the ears to the comedian Morten Ramm and produsentveteran Trond Kvernstrøm after they hosted the first edition of the award ceremony Humorprisen the previous Friday.

Komikerkollega Sigrid Farmer Tusvik left the awards ceremony in protest that no women won a single award, despite nominations and the women in the jury. Then she went home, wrote a furious article and sent it to the Newspaper.

In retrospect, the debate has raged on among the Norwegian humorist, in social media and in avisspaltene.

See the nominees and who won in the bottom of the case.

I hate to be she angry that shouts the loudest and says: WHAT the HELL HAPPENED NOW, GUYS? Debate – more than expected

Several comedians from minority groups miss invitations and nominations to Humorprisen, and has directed criticism against Ramm and Kvernstrøm. Among other things, comedian Arman Surizehi, who are behind the popular channel and the program “The Arman Show”, BBC Satiriks-profile Yousef Hadaoui and comedian Abubakar “Abu” Hussain. Desired is that the Ramm and Kvernstrøm manage to include comedians with immigrant backgrounds to a larger extent next year.

the Organizers get flamed for that diversity that really exist in the humorbransjen in the Uk to some extent were left out and forgotten during the first round of Humorprisen.

Ramm says to Dagbladet that any changes to next year’s distribution, is not decided.

Comedian calls Humorprisen to Ramm “completely white”

You get the not up to anything on a weekend. This round should be a fun thing with low shoulders. The actual prize was something much bigger than we had thought us from the start, and now it has become something even greater than the actual price again, that requires a little work.

– Entirely white jury

On Facebook, where Ramm responding to criticism from “The Arman Show”-Surizehi, hint Humornieu boss that there might be changes next year. He writes that he “realize grievance” and that they “will be working to recruit, and prepare for new, young comedians”.

– There are strong names in the jury, which I know can their course, but we need to look for more diversity. Of course, we must work for a more inclusive price, but most importantly of all, a more inclusive humormiljø, type Ramm.

eventually, the two agreed that Surizehi to be working with Humorprisen.

Made the step up on the fly. Espen Aas: – No fun – Go the right way

Arman Surizehi says to Dagbladet that he appreciates the initiative behind the awards ceremony.

– But it is important that we include all in our community. How can I recommend the younger who looks like me about to go the same direction as me, when they are never going to be recognized. I’ve had a good chat with Morten Ramm, where he also agree that changes should happen for next year. And that, I think we should get to. I will contribute to that humornorge to be larger, that we shall be the best in Scandinavia, and it starts with inclusion. We are going the right way now.

WAS DISAPPOINTED: Comedian Arman Surizehi. Photo: Private Show more Lacked resources

Ramm explains further that the organizers without “pro” funding in the back had not enough resources to give priority to work carefully with the invitations. They may also require billettpenger of most people who were not nominated at all to bring in some income.

Trond Kvernstrøm says to Dagbladet today that Humorprisen follows the same practice as the grammy award, Gullruten, and Amandaprisen.

grammy award invites not all of the musicians in the whole of Norway. Are you nominated for the Gullruten for a TV program, you get two tickets. The editorial board is, perhaps, of fifteen pieces, and the thirteen others must purchase a ticket. We invited those who were nominated, we have a guest list that works on a first-come, first served-principle – and the rest will have to buy a ticket. Basically, all invited. We desire not to exclude anyone, ” he says.

Humorprisens nominees and winners (highlighted)

this Year’s humorprogram:

Here hitMartin and MikkelsenSatiriks: 5080 Nyheteskanalen couples therapy

this Year’s funniest on tv:

Fridtjof Stensæth JosefsenMartin Beyer Olsen Kevin Vågenes Bård Tufte JohansenJakob Schoyen Andersen

this Year’s funniest humordrama:

White boys Norsemen Oslo ZooStories from Norway

this Year’s funniest podcast:

Berrum & Beyer talking about greierTusvik and Barrel Radioresepsjonen Debrief with the Day

this Year’s funniest on the net:

Kevin VågenesEinar TørnquistRandi Liodden Herman Flesvig

this Year’s shows:

Dag Sørås – Emokrati Christoffer Schjelderup–Faith, Hat & ÆrlighetHege Schoyen, Linn from professionals and Cecilie Steinmann Neess–Three elephants in the room

this Year’s shows indie:

Jim Swann–The Man With No Vaginas Olli Wermskogs Improvors Vegars Tingshow

this Year’s humorspire:

Steinar Klouman Hallert Henrik FarleyAmanda Erlandsen How email all the humor-heroes going? Opinions