“Hundreds of convicted terrorists on the way out”

“Around 1,500 people imprisoned for terrorist crimes in Europe. This, according to the Police, who also stated that a large part of them will soon be set free.”

“Among them are the four swedes who planned a terrorist attack against the Jutland-Posten.”

“The convicted terrorists is the european security major challenge in the future.”

“We have in Europe a fairly large amount, a 1 500-odd persons, who were sentenced for different terrorrelaterade crimes, of which a major part is now served their sentences and will be released from institutions,” says Ahn-Za Hagstrom, principal analyst at the Swedish security service.”

“the Problem is similar as with the ICE warriors who travelled down to conflict, and then returned,” she says at a seminar on våldsbejakande extremism in Stockholm.”

“– It is the individuals and the time spent in custody, or in the conflict zone, have affected them in different ways. There are those who are ready with the period in their life and want to move on. There are also those who radicalized further, who feel that they may even want revenge. A further group is traumatized and in need of help, ” she says.”

“In the Swedish prisons, eight people convicted for terrorrelaterade crimes, according to the prison service.”

“Four of them release most likely within a short time, it is the four men from Stockholm, who in 2012 was sentenced to twelve years in prison for terrorplaner against the Danish newspaper the Jutland-Posten. They were arrested in 2010 and was transferred some time after the judgment to the Swedish prisons. The date of release on parole of Probation set at the december 29, according to the principle that a person should be released when two-thirds of the sentence served.”

“According to terrorexperten Magnus Ranstorp is reason to be worried.”

“– the Problem is that these individuals often go back to their old environments. They become like rock stars there. They affect radikaliseringsmekanismerna, and it can be harsh situation, in some cases, they start with a time to plan attacks, ” says Magnus Ranstorp, who does not speak out specifically about the four.”

“Even in Europe there are terrorists with Swedish connections. A Swedish ICE-returner, a 26-year-old from Malmö, sweden, are awaiting trial in France, suspected of involvement in the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015 and to Brussels in 2016.”

“In Denmark, a 30-year-old american in a short trial, suspected of preparing for terrorist crimes. He also is a resident in Malmö, sweden and has previously cleared for an attack on a shia locale in the city.”

“We have a four–five paragraphs that are in other countries’ custody. If they are convicted they are likely to be transferred to prisons in Sweden. Where you have to think through the efforts needed, says Magnus Ranstorp.”

“Ahn-Za Hagström at the Swedish security service highlights the importance of society’s forces of good closes up when terrordömda served their sentences.”

“– So that they will not be referred to the forces of evil, but that there is another alternative than to continue their criminal trajectory or their time in the extremist environments, ” says Ahn-Za Hagström.”

“But that is exactly where preparedness gaps, consider the Magnus Ranstorp.”

“– We have no readiness. We have not developed the type of concrete tools, ” he says.”

“He calls for, among other things, a national avhopparprogram.”

“– The existing programmes, to fully independent churches, for example, are overloaded and not suited for this clientele, ” he says.”

“– You would also be able to place conditions on parole to undergo such a program, it has some countries. That is to say, you may not release on parole if you do not participate in this program, ” says Ranstorp.”

“today, most of them are on conditional release to those in the first year, must stay in contact with a frivårdskontor. Then cease correctional responsibility.”

“– and with that we have not developed the preventive arm this will end up directly on the table of the security service and the police, ” says Ranstorp.”

“According to him, the vast majority are not so interested in to jump off.”

“– the Majority go back to the old settings. This problem is also embedded in segregation, exclusion and gängkriminaliteten. Efforts must go hand-in-hand with turning the development in these areas, ” says Ranstorp.”

“Four men from Sweden were convicted in 2012 to twelve years in prison for terrorplaner against the Danish newspaper the Jutland-Posten.”

“They were arrested on 29 december 2010 after a collaboration between the Danish and the Swedish secret police. It was just before the plans could be realized. The men would storm into the building where the Jutland-Posten and Politiken their offices and kill as many as possible. At the arrest seized both weapons and ammunition, as so-called cable ties, which the victims would be bound with.”

“the Attack would be a revenge for the made caricatures drawings of the prophet Muhammad as the Jutland-Posten published.”

“In the Swedish prisons are now just under 70 people linked to the islamist våldsbejakande terrorism.”

“Source: Probation”

“After the conditional release from prison, the majority of clients during one year of monitoring, which is the method during probation is responsible for. It applies regardless of the crime the client committed.”

“the Surveillance involves both support and control. The aim is to create a gradual transition from life in prison to life in freedom.”

“the Client’s risks and needs determines how intense the surveillance.”

“At long prison sentences, the general rule is that you get monitoring. For shorter prison sentences is the risk of re-offending is crucial if a person is placed under surveillance.”

“Source: Probation”