“Hyrpersonal is to crack the Swedish health care”
“the Debaters: the Development must be broken – here are six steps”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. In five years, the cost hyrpersonal in health care almost doubled from 2.8 to 5.4 billion. The cost of hired nurses will increase the most. “
“the Consequences are more expensive health care, lack of continuity of care and a poorer work environment. The situation is unsustainable. Nevertheless, the development has not been tampered with. In a new report from the Arena Idea, we show that too little focus has been placed on how it actually goes when hyrpersonal procured. “
“today is made for the procurement of hyrpersonal with the framework agreement which makes it easier to hire staff than to hire. The framework allows hospital and medical center-pressed hr managers do not need to spend time on job advertisements and job interviews, and they don’t have to arbetsgivaransvaret, as the responsibility for skills development.”
“But the most important reason that staffing agencies can offer sky-high wages is that the framework makes the industry highly profitable. In other industries used temporary agency work to cut costs. In the care sector is staffing with hyrpersonal on the contrary, extremely cost. “
“today, unelected politicians transparency in the procurement of hyrpersonal often limited to initiating the procurement. After that it takes apolitical officials. “
“in Order to ensure a stable and cost-effective staff support in health care need responsible politicians to take control. “
“Even the unions must step forward and use their influence to affect the negotiations, because they have a critical impact on the employees work environment and löneutrymme. “
“In the report, we provide six specific advice to regionpolitiker. “
“► Set requirements. Require collective agreements. “
“The agreement we are examining in this report contains, for example, compensation for inconvenient working hours according to collective agreements, but that the framework agreement requires that sign a collective agreement. Firms that lack collective agreements have no requirement to pay out compensation for inconvenient working hours, but can choose to keep the money. “
“the Require lower rates for longer assignments. In the private sector get a specialist that is hired for a short mission more per hour than when the same specialist hired for half a year. A long-term mission provides benefits to the staffing company in the form of predictability, stable revenues and reduced expenses. The report shows that the regions almost always pay the same price per hour, regardless of how long the rental lasts. “
“the Require delivery. Staffing agencies can say no to assignments, even if they are covered by a framework contract. They need never risk over-capacity, which also contributes to the staffing company’s profitability. “
“► Employment should always be the first option – the leasing of personnel shall be the exception. “
the “Require that leasing may take place only on short-term contracts, and require that you try to hire should always be done first. Leasing of personnel shall require approval higher up in the organization than a job. Ease of administration in the field of employment. “
“► to Decide that the current agreement will not be extended. “
“► Prepare the next avtalsomgång, regardless of whether the agreement should be signed or not. “
“Any new agreements should be avoided, but if it can’t have a better text of the agreement be prepared. When the officers well standing in the meeting room and says that it is time to make a procurement, it is generally too late. “
“► put an end to the use of subcontractors and F-skattare. “
“In the day, staffing agencies, circumvent the terms of employment according to the collective agreement by using subcontractors, or persons working against the bill, called the F-skattare. When agencies use contractors instead of hiring staff, it means that they do not have responsibility for such things as sick leave costs and rehabilitation, and they need not take into account the law on employment protection. Staffing agencies should not make money at not taking employer responsibility. “
” ► to Reduce the share of fixed-term – hire staff in a talent pool in place. “
“Despite the fact that there is a shortage of staff in health care is striking many today, employees on temporary contracts. “
“the Report also provides concrete advice to trade union representatives. It is time that the tray roars from. Half the cost of a hyrsjuksköterska is a pure additional cost charged to the löneutrymmet for other nurses. “
“This must be addressed in local bargaining and central bargaining. The agreements should give priority to the permanent staff, and include compensation for extra work when temporary staff are hired. “
“When costs increase for agency staff, there is less money left over to care. In addition, the deteriorating working conditions of the regular staff of the constant need to learn new hired colleagues. It is time to focus on the contract, and amend the contracts. “
“nJohan Enfeldt, the author of the report ”Hyrsjuksköterskor in health care – how it was when the politicians lost control, and how the dependence of the hyrsjuksköterskor can be broken”. Former county politicians in Uppsala (L) nLisa Pelling, scientist, and investigator at the think tank Arena Idea. ”
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