Since the world is constantly in the focus of surveillance cameras and Smartphones, we get the rampant hatred with ends close to the action. We drive on the highway while in front of us a furious motorcyclist is generated which removes a car from the track. We are only a few steps away from the police, the attack on a veiled woman, from Rampaging the defenseless batter, and even harder to strike, if they lie on the ground. Next to us a woman says “We hate you!” to hold up to a foreigner, protesting signs against homosexuals, Muslims or Jews. We are sitting with a young man in the car, in the shooting of 17 people at his school to shoot.

Also chimps hate

scenes like these, all taken with cell phones, Dashcams or CCTV cameras, that keeps us, the new documentary series “Why we hate” from producer Steven Spielberg, who is currently broadcast on ZDFinfo. This immediate hatred, the whole load of aggressiveness that always seems to get more and more out of control, makes you cringe, and is quite happy to be the sober, scientific analysis of the question of the Why and the origin of hate in part 1 of the six-part series.

Steven Spielberg and Alex Gibney to talk about the documentary series. Source: ZDF.

And at the beginning of the monkey was. Or chimpanzees and Bonobos, which are to be distinguished at first glance, hard to see, and whose genetic material will cover 99 percent of our. If you are also aggressive, and hate, as we are? The tried to explain an Evolutionary anthropologist, and it is highly informative. Thus, chimpanzee males are female-oriented, and Bonobo-monkeys-oriented, both are very social, so how we people.

Why chimpanzees are aggressive, Bonobo monkeys, however, is it not? Photo: ZDF

But the Former can behave extremely aggressive – they kill competitors, to pry open the strange chimpanzee mothers in packs for their babies and eat this alive. Bonobo monkeys, however, peaceful. The explanation is so plausible and frightening. Just like the Parallel with the us, highlighted by a scene with a group of aggressive chimpanzees, a scene followed up with raging people. Later we saw a lab monkey, began to rebel because he felt treated unfairly.

The monkey on the left feels treated unfairly because he is rewarded, in contrast to his cage neighbors with cucumbers instead of grapes.

part 1 was not satisfied, however, only with monkeys. He also revealed that already three months old babies have a sense of morality, that the young gunman often have a crucial shortcoming, but the same need as we all do. It was explained why, of all things, popular people, often bullying, what is the influence of the genetic predisposition and the environment in which we grow up.

The proof is in the Video

Between the Interview passages with the researchers original scenes from a cell phone were always or surveillance cameras scattered. Especially impressive are those showing the School-bomber Nikolas Cruz shortly after the arrest, in jail, together with his older brother, to apologize to him, has just shot and killed 17 people, that he had made him always ready and marginalized was.

The brother of gunman Nikolas Cruz apologizes.

The informative part 1 definitely makes you want, also the other parts of the documentary series looking at. Also, because he’s trying to be a sober contemplation of this violent Emotion, endeavour and to demonstrate that there is a way out of powerlessness and the spiral of violence that anyone can capture at any time. “You can unlearn hatred again,” explains the final sentence. As explains “Why we hate” hopefully, in one of the five parts of the documentary series.

Created: 11.11.2019, 19:20 Uhr