“”I feel stuck, which may write in the newspaper””

“A MOMENT, Nina Hemmingsson, 47, cartoonist, writer and new columnist”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“You have drawn for Aftonbladet since 2005, but will now also start writing. What makes you take that step?”

“” I have such a desire to write and to challenge myself. I write, too, when I draw, but this is something else.”

“Is it very difficult?”

“– not Really. Most cartoonists I think, on the contrary, that it is easier to write than to draw. I am so incredibly comfortable when I draw, when I write, I have not at all the same self-confidence.”

“What is it you want to write about?”

” I think, that it is here I would like to write about, anything that interferes with and chafe. It is really what I already take if, but when writing you have to think more when you get caught; subscribe can you make on impulse.”

“What have you more at the time?”

“— Right now, there is an exhibition in Landskrona, sweden. And in the fall, I hope that a book is ready as I do together with Anna Lindman, about death. We have interviewed people who are soon to die. I draw.”

“It is you who designed the Aftonbladet’s bylines. How does it feel to get to draw their own?”

“– It is a bit more difficult … but great fun! I feel stuck, which may write in the newspaper.”