Sophia, in the book “God has offered me, never You” is about the longing for God or something Divine. You’re actually a believer?
I had a Christian Childhood. I have positive memories, I was a long Ministrantin. My book is also a book about a Christian Childhood, children believe, is dropped off and nothing really can be replaced. With what I fill now, where before God was? 16-I’m stepping out of the Catholic Church.

I was the older, the less I agreed with the greater part of the Catholic Church. For the Large I could no longer stand. All cases of abuse, and so on. In addition, there was no one with whom I can identify. Therefore, it was important for me to write this book.

to what Extent?
I thought that there might be more people who are Christian grew up and then the connection is lost, without the need for God was, indeed, covered. It comforts me to go to Church, but I would like to, actually, that God exists. Christian books are usually preachy or Missio combining – because I wanted to make a contrast.

“I don’t want to presume with 22, to have a non-fiction book about God written”: the book author Sophia Fritz. Photo: pd

It is as a non-fiction book published. You can write as a young person about God, Faith and life after the death of a non-fiction book?
The book is rather essay-like texts from me and in exchange stories from the point of view of a Bible character. It begins with Eva and ends with Peter. From the Old to the New Testament. And Yes, it is published as a fiction book, but I don’t want to laugh presume with 22, to have a non-fiction book about God written (). I don’t have the claim to find the answers.

what is it?
It should be a book that you can read a lot of young people. Also, the can not do much with God. I tried also to write something that I’ve seen, and even the questions. The book is there, to see what is there and what is missing.

“It’s a hundred percent sure that I’m going to die.”

In your last book, “In the end” you wrote very melancholy feelings, snippets of which you see on your Instagram Account “Josephine Frey”. Poetry about love you share. On the subject of God, we find there is less. Not a match for God, and Instagram?
The theme works less well on Instagram. But that is also due to the Format. Aphorisms are simply better for the Instagram-style of writing. I have, however, posted four months.

the reason for that?
I think I’ve become a bit self-conscious with regard to my time. There was a time in which it was important to me that people know where I am, or what Phase I’m in. Now I have the urge to get in touch and to know opinions of Strangers. But there are also times when I want to know just my opinion.

Back to God: If one is occupied with God, and the Faith, then it comes to the topic of death drum. You, of all people you volunteer as a death companion form. Why?
It is hundred percent sure that I’m going to die. Therefore, it makes sense to me, and me with the death to deal. That’s why I signed up for the course.

“The loss of a loved one scares me.”

What has changed since the course?
My whole consciousness has changed. The death is real. Saying goodbye is real. My youth but also. I have been in the hospice beautiful encounters. And, I go out sometimes and think to myself: Awesome, I’m allowed to live. The people are, on average, two weeks in the hospice before they die. This volunteer work is to benefit the patient, in order to have easy time. You can’t help anybody any more, the Die will not stop you. But you can provide assistance. Just be there and see how it goes this Person and what you need. I find this very enriching for my life.

do you sometimes fear death?
right now I have no fear. But it’s always changing. I believe, however, the fear that someone from my closer environment dies, is greater. Against the own death, you can not do anything. The loss of a loved one is harassing. How do I live? The fact that I am dealing with the death, will he of concrete. I have in front of things only as long as fear, as long as they are diffuse. And: death is not the opposite of life, but only the end.

Why do people have a longing for God?
It is perhaps a bit like the search for an Ideal of love. The familiar from Pop Songs: There’s a Person waiting for the a or the a comes, and then save. Then you finally happy and fulfilled. I wonder sometimes, whether this was earlier not the idea of God: the one who is coming, and then all is well. Apparently, there’s this need, that we want to be filled by something, in order to be happy. The gap you must fill. I don’t know why this is so, but this phenomenon fascinates me.

Sophia Fritz, God has offered me never You, in 2019, Herder Verlag, 176 pages.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 27.04.2019, 18:52 PM