Penis can get used to the different stimulation in order to orgasm with a partner to be successful again.Video tell, what is a good sex partner.

sexual medicine expert, specialist John Garden tell you earlier, in our case, that the young men’s porn use can join the self-satisfaction that the pace and hardness differ significantly from the sexual intercourse. Between two people in sex this can lead to the Yard that triggered the difficulty.

the Man did not go off, because in the ordinary intercourse achieved the stimulation is not enough compared to the porn viewing, the Yard said in our case.

Turk, there is a English name Death Grip Syndrome. A man can begin to suffer from troubles, if he learns, for example, teen-age self-satisfaction in certain kinds of tight compression and quick movement combination, which helps to go off very quickly. Young boys can learn how to triggered to self-satisfaction during the as quickly as possible, for example because they don’t get caught in the act for other people.

similar to self-gratification in a way easily becomes routine, but at the same time your penis can begin will always require a little more stimulation. Penis tolerance to touch, the intensity increase and penis sensitivity, respectively, decreases. Sexual intercourse for example, a woman’s vagina feel different from other hand the hard clamping force. Death Grip Syndrome-problems is typical, that a man has to use orgasm in order to get always the same stimulation, and triggering of another kind of stimulation will succeed.

If an orgasm achieved, therefore, only one type of penile stimulation or just a very powerful compression self-satisfaction in, it can cause problems in sex with a partner.

mostphotos back in sex condition

Himself can happily work out back in sexual intercourse condition. University of California students SexInfo Online -site according to the instructions it using the following instructions.

the first week: no sex, and self-satisfaction

First, masturbation, sex and all of penis stimulation should refrain from weeks. Arousal and thinking about sex is of course permitted.

Second week: self-satisfaction once

self-satisfaction only once. Do it when you feel like it, not so teeth, that the moment I got it. Try to stimulate your penis more gently and for longer than in the past before orgasm. The goal should be not so much pleasure as actually triggered. Use a variety of extracts and lube. Fleshlight-artificial vagina can be helpful.

the Third and fourth week: add time to the

itself satisfy the second week instructions twice or three times a week. Started masturbation only when you get an erection themselves without hard stimulation. Next you can try the penis stimulation with a partner. Once the discomfort eases, masturbation times can choose to add.

If the penis of stimulation abstinence and enjoyment of a new kind of stimulation do not to help bother you, the topic is worth talking to your partner. It can also be performance anxiety. If the discomfort does not ease, also your doctor or a sex therapist help may be necessary. Delayed ejaculation can also be related to other health problems such as diabetes, nerve damage or medication. Sex partners can provide pleasure in different ways also, when the discomfort of the recovery process is still ongoing.

Source: SexInfo Online, the International Society for Sexual Medicine, the New York Post, health library, Medical News Today, a sexual health clinic.

the Case is initially published in October 2018.