Zwingli. Lust, hostile, stingy. Number two behind Martin Luther. Responsible for cold churches, war driver . . . What comes spontaneously to the reformer, in the sense, is hardly something that could take a burning for his biography. But in order for you do not need to come Stefan Haupt: “I’m still shocked on how negative the term Zwinglian is charged,” he says. And: “It definitely doesn’t come from Zwingli himself. For me, it was a bright, alert mind.”

Well, on the one hand, Stefan Haupt has to say. Finally, he asked, “Zwingli,” just a movie done, with a Budget of nearly six million francs to the most expensive Swiss productions and from the age of 17. January, according to people in the cinema to lure. On the other side of the 57-year – old Director of anything other than a Blender, but is known for his meticulously researched documentaries and films: “The circle” (2014) on a Zurich gay organization has earned him the Swiss film prize and numerous other awards. And with “Elisabeth Kübler-Ross – facing death” (2003), he was also internationally very successful.

wirklichim Zürcher grossmünster

“was Filmed, and The more I learn of Zwingli, the more vivid and life-affirming it is for me,” says main. He sits in the vestry of that Church, in which Huldrych Zwingli – in the movie he is competed sometimes also called close to the people Ueli – exactly 500 years ago from his position as a Pastor. And also served as a filming location. Clearly, there had been plans, all-in-one film Studio to build. Or in churches to Hungary or Italy to Dodge, where a lot of the cheaper would have worked. However, the main ingredient in the great Cathedral, and finally managed to get the permission to film: The Church was closed for a month for the audience, the room filled with artificial light and people in historical costumes. And im sorry, Stefan Haupt – Zwinglian Zurich.

the Official Trailer for the Film “Zwingli”. Video: Youtube/Ascot elite

It was clear from the beginning that the Film would aim for the large audience: it was Produced “Zwingli,” of the company C-Films, which is for such Hits as “bell for Ursli” and the series “Wild” to be responsible. Wrote the screenplay Simone Schmid, who worked on the “undertaker”. The main role is occupied by Max Simonischek, the Swiss-Austrian crowd favorite, “The divine order”. The reformer as an identification figure? “Clearly,” says Stefan Haupt, laughing, “finally, he also begins with a Z, as once Zorro.” He was at all the irony aware of what he was. Even if he did, as a Director, for once, into the game.

Special relationship to Zwingli, since the Childhood

“The project was already in the script phase, when I heard about it,” says main. He sought the completion of his last film “Dark luck” money, and in the case of the reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich in demand. There he had received the information, which could be difficult, because all the money would flow into the Zwingli-Film. “What Zwingli?”, the Director asked, and was immediately taken by it. Because, for the reformer, he had since Childhood a special relationship. His father has directed two Church choirs, he over yourself already as an eight – year-old on the balcony of the great Cathedral – “right there” – the Christmas oratorio singing. With the family he went often to wild’s house in the holidays, in the vicinity of Zwingli’s birth house. And as a US exchange student, he landed in a parish family, in him who received it originally from Pakistan at the end of the host: “Welcome home, our church is based on Zwingli.”

Many years later, he sits in the Church, for Zwingli it all began. The conversation is accompanied, almost pushy, of organ music (“on Tuesday is always a day of exercises for students”). But the magic of the place seems to be actually on the people who work there. “Right there, twenty feet away, Zwingli and his people translated the Bible to English,” says the Director. He talks in detail fond of this man who was so different than what many think of him. Much more advanced than Luther, Zwingli referred to as a man-eater or “Chnochefrässer”, because this held on to the Belief that the wine is real blood transform during the sacrament, and the bread into the real body of Jesus.

Very close to Zwingli: Director Stefan Haupt in the crypt of the great Cathedral of Zurich. Image: Esther Michel

Much of this wealth of detail has gone into the Film. It starts very powerfully, the historic Zurich lives, the dirty streets stink. Second main character is Reinhart Sarah Sophia Meyer played Anna, Zwingli publicly in the great Cathedral married at the time, a tremendous act in a Church, in the priest, no marriage could take. “The had an even greater poignancy as today, when a priest would marry his gay friend,” says main.

The same Digital-to-company, as in “Game of Thrones”

The Director of the Traps of historical films is aware of: “We have discussed whether we should make Zwingli’s marriage to a modern dispute between a man and a woman. But that would’ve been arrogant, we may not go with today’s standards at this time.” Similarly, he holds it with the pictures in the old Zurich using a Stuttgart-based company digital was made for “Game of Thrones”. There will not Look off in the style of “what we can do.” On the contrary, says: “We have tried to make it in a way that it seems almost beside the point, but all the more stronger.”

“Zwingli,” pictures of strong, powerfully played, instructive. In the second part of the slightly over two hour Film feels a little rushed, as if the stations would have to be done in the life of the reformer. Is it too long? Or even too short? “There is actually tell you a lot, we have said for interesting points, we had to omit that, that would be something for a rotary end of the TV series,” says main.

The Film fits perfectly into the life work of the Director, in the it is always a big questions, life or death, morality. He has dealt extensively with Religion, but from the Church, he joined with twenty, “today’s notions of religiosity and spirituality are so box, in which to me probably is,” he says. “Zwingli,” but he felt, with all the Size of the undertaking, in the Element. Although this Size is not for him is the Ultimate. In Parallel, Stefan Haupt, operates already in a new documentary, “the Zurich-based diary”. In it, he, personally, is the question in “Zwingli”, in a different way in the centre. It is no more and no less than the right to live in a responsible way.

“Zwingli” runs from the 17. January in the cinema

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 05.01.2019, 20:50 PM