“If V receives the influence must L to vote no,”

“L-politician: Sjöstedt party could have devastating effects on the development of society”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The liberals have promised to keep the Party away from political influence. At the same time opens now Stefan Löfven negotiations with Jonas Sjöstedt of the Left party to drop, until a socialist government. There are two requirements which do not go together.”

“throughout the formation of the government has the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund – with honor – said that the two ytterkantspartierna should be kept away from any influence. There are several reasons why the Liberals want to avoid not only the SD but also the Left party is given the opportunity to influence policy. The party’s ideology and policy goes, in all material respects against what liberalism stands for.”

“Where we Liberals want the work and effort will pay off, drives Left on for short-time working and the continuing subsidy payments”

“Where Liberals want to see more of the european and international exchange, to the Party that Sweden should leave the european cooperation. You think that the EU ”limits of democracy”. The party also says no to a Swedish nato membership and wants Sweden to leave the international cooperation Partnership for Peace.”

“Where we Liberals want the work and effort will pay off, drives Left on for short-time working and the continuing premium payments. In the field of taxation you think the S-policy is not radical enough but who want to have an even redder burden. The party want to raise taxes and also to impose wealth tax and inheritance and gift taxes.”

“Perhaps, most damning of all is that the Left party, as a result, the party is out of the communism, the long-term objective to abolish the right of ownership. A goal that not only stands in direct contradiction to the Liberal political core, but also contrary to human rights.”

“We believe that it could have devastating effects on the development of society.”

“These basic differences in values, ideology, and political issues are the background that the Liberals do not want to give the Party influence. We believe that it could have devastating effects on the development of society.”

“the reason was the wording that the Party should not have ”influence over the direction of policy in Sweden during the coming term of office” in the agreement with the S. It was also a message Jan Björklund stressed when he last Sunday convinced the liberal representative on the partirådet to say yes to Stefan Löfven.”

“When the V now requires influence over politics ends up the settlement in a new location. “

“But when Stefan Löfven now departs from that for us the vital principle, and to open up to cooperate with the Left ”as the past”, it is clear that we have made different interpretations of what the letter should entail. “

“Jonas Sjöstedt has, on its side, has been clear that his party is not prepared to release Stefan Löfven in a statsministeromröstning unless the approach is changed.”

“This is problematic. From the liberal press was the purpose of the settlement crystal clear: to shut out the two ytterkantspartierna – SD and V – from the political influence. Then there is no space for Stefan Löfven to make concessions to the Left. When the V now requires influence over politics ends up the settlement in a new location. “

“We believe, therefore, that if the agreement turns out to mean something other than what was discussed during the weekend partiråd should the Liberals vote against this.”

“nLouise Eklund, regional council, Malmö (L)nPär Löfstrand, mayor, Östersund (L)nSofia Hallgren Remnert, the group leader, the Nyköping municipality (L)nReidar Svedahl, municipal commissioner, Norrköping (L)nno-Lill Östlund, group leader, Söderköping (L)nMats-Ola Rödén, president of the Liberals Gotland (L)nInger Tolsved Rosenkvist, second vice-president Länsförbundet Skåne (L)”

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