“Illegal contracts is eating up vårdbudgeten”
“Nurses are bombarded with advertising”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“95 000 dollars a month for a summer as a midwife. Of hyrbolaget Bonliva AB in the included to the and with free travel and accommodation in Sundsvall. Politicians promise to hyrpersonalen to be reduced, but the bill continues to rail. The wards are milked on a permanent staff and lönekassan leaks like a sieve. What is it that happens?”
“I’m sitting on the job before eftermiddagsronden and eat avtalstårta. The private healthcare provider I work for has won a new contract with the county council. The coffee is served in a reklammugg for the hyrbolag which provides the department with the nurses.”
“My colleagues do not want to be directly employed by the hospital, but rather of a third party hyrbolag. I can understand them. Hyrbolagen can offer a doubled salary, the opportunity to add a private schema and the discharge from the boring development work.”
“Not the hospitals’ fault that hyrkostnaderna rails”
“Whose is the fault? It has long been made in the debate that the development depends on the cash managers who do not take their employees seriously. But recently came a report that completely throws the game.”
“Johan Enfeldt is the previous liberal regionpolitiker and have reviewed, inter alia, his former place of work in Uppsala in the report Hyrsjuksköterskor in health care, from the Arena Idea. But the responsibility for the deteriorated situation is not at the pressed vårdcheferna, but on the politicians who are trying to frånskjuta responsibility. Staffing problems are the hospitals ‘ thing to solve, has been the political response. Politicians parts, and lo and behold, to and with out straffböter to the hospital who do not succeed to recruit staff.”
“But the politicians are the ones that procure hyrbolagen. In a so bad way that it is illegal. The agreements are so poorly written that the Swedish competition authority in december put the foot down and sued the four regions. All regions in Sweden, in addition to Örebro to procure in a way that probably violates the law, according to the Echo review.”
“Illegal agreement has made arrangements incentive”
“The report painted a startling and previously unknown reality, where the contracts with the hyrbolagen is made acute. It is done without any requirements of collective bargaining agreements, the continuity or the promise of being able to deliver. Hyrbolagen basically need not do anything, but can laugh all the way to the bank.”
“How easy is it to as vårdchef sit with stringent austerity requirements from the top down, at the same time as employees at Instagram and Facebook are being bombarded with advertising from hyrbolagen. Double salary! Work less! Determine your own schedule! The politicians have made arrangements incentive. To go over to a hyrbolag and continue at the same workplace is easier than ever.”
“If you treat health care as a market, will vårdarbetare also start to behave as commodities. Hyrhaveriet is the politicians ‘ fault, and their thing to correct. They need to tighten up the requirements, write the contracts and stop the bleeding from lönekassan. It is time to stop pushing away from the responsibility. As you procure you lie. “
“Fanny Nilsson goes Aftonbladet ledarskribentutbildning and works for the everyday residents. “