Spanish is that it is more. Also: “No eggs”. Because it is the secret weapon that has made it invincible to the Spanish troops. “What do you think, ” said the captain of the Glorious one?”. That. “My thing is to paint the historic rout and the ship The Glorious might with seven british ships. A 7-1! Oh, that was a rout!”. Speaking Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, without hairs in the headlines. We are in the studio of the painter of soldiers and battles, which consists of a tortilla of honor, nobility, and epic to retrieve a memory of heroic which, he says, we forget the spaniards. “Because we feel ashamed of being Spanish. I want to retrieve the other historical memory” account. Your battle is summed up in a book, Sketches for the story, recently published by Espasa.

We feel ashamed of being Spanish. I want to retrieve the other historical memory

Is your particular journey into the past, full of pride rojigualda and an exquisite technique, after becoming, in the nineties, to the delight of his dealer, in the Antonio López of Barcelona, in the painter of nationalism which today has made him famous among the most loyal to the Spanish flag. This Catalan 54-year-old has picked up the tradition of the nineteenth century the painting of history, determined to lift the spirits of the homeland, the creation of myths and the soufflé of the legends. A machine of the icons are not on the Spain Brand, but about the brand of the hispanic community. The DNA of the spaniards, in the eyes of Ferrer-Dalmau, is the spear in shipyard and “the formula of the bad milk”.

The contraprogramación of the buenismo

Her scenes are evocative of a time past and adapted to the genius warrior, decisive moments of bravura and arrogance that has disappeared. Because, above the swords, the mists, the horses and the mud, talk about pure nostalgia. Of something that the painter missed. “I don’t like people to die, but if there are to defend yourself, you fight. I don’t want to conquer anything, but I want to defend and we must defend ourselves against the jihadism. Who we are going to understand when the oil runs out and they come to conquer us? I do not understand to whom ever is against the Army. We, spaniards of 2018, we are what we are by those who fought before us. Spain is a large cemetery, there is not an inch of ground without the bones of a soldier. It is unfair for them not to remember. We are a gang of ungrateful!”, account of the painter.

The battle of las Navas de Tolosa. Ferrer – Dalmau

what he fears most, Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, the anachronism, or the pacifism? “I’m sick of that call me looking to paint these things. Accuse Me of justifying militaristic, but I paint the Spanish Deneme Bonusu essence and if we’re not fighting once a year, something weird has happened. Oh we were born warriors! I do not feel ashamed of being Spanish and I’m up to the balls that the aliens are meen in the flag.” So acknowledge that it paints the epic moment, because he wants to publicize the deeds. That we defend the indefensible and we should feel proud of this. “There’s No denying it: we are wolves”, explains the artist, who speaks with disappointment of the avant-garde that, in the early TWENTIETH century, they destroyed the classical painting. “An abstract of what pints in 20 minutes and you get paid ten times more. A box story is not easy, you have to be documented much. The past is very complicated.”

my Thing is to paint the historic rout and the ship The Glorious might with seven british ships. A 7-1! Oh, that was a rout!

The painter of battles has a comprehensive collection of swords of the army of the NINETEENTH century to the entry of your home. It is a collector’s wartime past, but needs peace and a stable market to continue to reproduce their images of honour and resistance. Never paints women because she does not know them, that will come very men. But yes, there is, at least, one that stands up to your baby in your arms for his father, a soldier on his horse, going to make war, is to fire him. Do not do women or represents the side ignoble of the strife, that is to say, torture, rape, outrages. “That is not the essence of spain. I’m looking for the part honorable of the soldiers,” he says. Another taboo in his career: the Civil War. “I would like to because there are scenes very nice, like the crossing of the Ebro, but it is a political weapon and so I can not paint it”, regrets. The Blue Division itself has been painted.

In the battle of the paint, Ferrer-Dalmau pushes away the box of allegories. Your painting is action, against the symbolic, but in favor of the symbol. The flag and are good times for the market demand and exaltation of the symbol. Therefore suggested to the previous minister of Foreign affairs to create a workshop of painters who dedicate themselves to raising large murals, sculptures, paintings “immense” about events that have no iconographic representation. “We can’t allow that american to say that Columbus was a genocidal,” he stresses. The work of Ferrer-Dalmau is propaganda sentimental, a kind of ‘Save me’ militarized that grabs the spectator by his emotions, thanks to scenes of blood, sweat, and misery. “In Spain do not paint dirty”, he says. And have reason, perhaps because of the epic always has a side of nauseating.