“The important skills – but without coercion”
“Industriarbetsgivarna and Ikem in the replica on the competence development for employees”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“REPLICA. We are happy for the good cooperation we have with our trade union counterparts, including IF Metall. Basically, we are agreed that continuous professional development is crucial for both companies and employees. “
“we can never accept is that companies should be forced to be responsible for the society’s general skills or to develop the skills of their employees for the next appointment.”
“Marie Nilsson, IF Metall puts the finger on an important question in his op-ed, namely, the needs of industry for skills. Where are we completely agree, the industry needs a broad palette of skills if Sweden is to retain its industrial companies in global competition. We are therefore in favour of bets on the national system for lifelong learning. Our view is that corporate responsibility for the development of skills to apply the competencies and skills that the company needs now and in the future. “
“From the community, we expect that lifelong learning is high on the agenda, including amended rules for financial aid for those who wish to change karriärinriktning.”
“It is important that companies identify what their needs are for continued development and to focus on skills development will be correctly aligned. It can never be the businesses ‘ responsibility to provide for society’s or the individual’s general competence development. Skills development in the workplace will help increase the competitiveness of companies and thereby increasing job security. “
“However, it is not reasonable that the companies should bear the cost when the skills development primarily aimed at increasing the opportunity for the employee to find a job at an alternative workplace. “
“There are countless examples of companies that are in pace with investments in new facilities, new technology and new equipment also focus on training of staff. New and old employees ‘ skills is a very important and priority for our member companies. But all solutions do not fit all companies and not all individuals. Then the rules do not get rid of the square and compelling.”
“Just like IF the Metal, we believe that the parties are best placed to negotiate the terms and conditions on the labour market. We are convinced that together we can solve kompetensförsörjningsfrågan. For example, by building on our long-term partsgemensamma work, for example, efforts Teknikcollege and validation. “
“We hope, therefore, that we also in the future be able to maintain a constructive dialogue on how the Swedish industry needs to be able to be secured. To provide the industry with the right skills is a challenge and it will require resources if we are to successfully identify future needs and to find ways for regular professional development. “
“Fredrik Gunnarsson, responsible provision of skills Industriarbetsgivarna nJoel anderson, director competence Ikem – Innovation and kemiindustrierna in Sweden”