“In a society gone to the dogs takes the child a chance”

“Malin Krutmeijer charge for the final season of ”Game of thrones””

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Living is against a murderous army of the dead in the last season of Game of thrones, and probably have the series a little move of the zombiefilm. Through the high fantasy-scented story – monsters! dragons! sword! magic! – runs a dramatic undercurrent that brings to mind zombiemästaren George A Romero’s movies: everyone can die at any time, completely unexpectedly. Paradexemplet is, of course, the ”red wedding”, the carnage in the third season where lots of heroes and main characters wiped out in a single stroke. “

“Such things are as nerve-racking as it is lovely recklessly towards the viewer. Thus, the benches before the last act, trembling with fear for that the author George R R Martin should be getting themselves to take the life of Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark, before they had time to form the astounding modern political alliance that my silly heart, deep down, dream about.”

“But really, anyone who has not actually died anyway, so far in the series, purely statistical. According to a study that came at the end of last year, is the male characters who are loyal with their family extra frizzy to to go in early.”

“Note that this takes place in a kind of patriarchal klansamhälle where at least the life of the samhällseliten, as the series is about, is controlled by the bloodline, gender, family historical alliances and so on. “

“For a man of so-called heritage should thus not only pay to be loyal with the family, there should also be a good thing. But it must not be imagined, for in Game of thrones is the social system gone to the dogs. The hierarchy has collapsed since the old king stopped to behave like a rightful king, and became crazy and irrational bloodthirsty. Krigarfamiljer put in the time to fight for power over the kingdom, Westeros, war and ränkspel has sabotaged the social order. The old rules no longer work.”

“Släktlojala heir as Joffrey Lannister, Robin Arryn and Ramsay Bolton grew up in a avmoraliserad, brutal time. Joffrey was also the result of brother-sister-incest, in itself, a sure sign that something has gone very wrong in the ruling classes. All three became power crazy, perverted sadists. They lacked the honor and did not comply with their duties. In the end, they murdered.”

“It has not gone any further for släktlojala who is prim and proper and conscientious, either. The governor Eddard Stark came when the king called – only to be executed. His daughter Sansa allowed herself to stoically get married with both Joffrey Lannister and Ramsay Bolton because it was expected of her, but instead of being rewarded with respect were she to horrific abuse. “

“the social contract is broken, the gruesome amounts of blood have flowed. The people have awakened Death itself in the form of the white walkers, zombiearmén that gives shiny fan in the house their victims belong to.”

“”Chaos is a ladder”, as the seer Bran Stark says in a scene in the last season.”

“But the decomposition is not just a disaster. It also opens up air pockets in the system. New opportunities arise for players who hunger for to shape their own destinies – and the world’s. ”Chaos is a ladder”, as the seer Bran Stark says in a scene in the last season.”

“the Steps may lead up or down, and it is the new klättrarnas development that drives the story in Game of thrones in seven seasons. Obscure sects have vädrat included, but especially the case of women, despised vildingar, illegitimate offspring, slaves and other subordinates in a breathtaking speed away from their old positions. And they choose their own loyalties.”

“now When the series is rushing towards the finish is in both the playing field and the players other compared with when it was launched. The sisters Stark, Arya and Sansa, is a strong pact in the north. Knight Brienne of Tarth does not serve men with his sword any longer, but women. And the store, kortvuxne hero Tyrion Lannister, spat upon by his own family, has left a supigt and self-loathing life to become a key player in the battle for the throne.”

“Tyrion seems almost like an individualized 2000-talsmänniska who choose the side based on the good of society, not the family. Perhaps, dare one hope that he has been sufficiently disloyal to their for comic writers to let him survive.”

“the Question is how big förändringspotential the fictional world in Game of thrones actually has. In fantasygenrens portalverk, Tolkien’s the Lord of the rings, is the goal of the fight for a restoration of order. “

“it is still not here, George R R Martin is, after all, a contemporary writer who flirts with a contemporary yearning for, well, liberal democracy. “

“But how frälsaraktig drakdrottningen Daenerys main differences – the war is the likely winner so far, than has been produced which, through the seasons, so it is through his royal blood, she makes a claim on the throne. “

“It has been felt that there is as much – or little – of the revolution it will be in the pseudomedeltid where the story unfolds. Though I’m not entirely sure anymore. Daenarys has been developed in a rather bloated and domineering direction. Perhaps she been elected as chairman specifically. Perhaps going all in in crash between fire and ice.”