counterfeit money dive anywhere in there, where going to be paid also in everyday life with cash, informed of the Valais cantonal police on Friday. Had been set in the past month in the Region of Sion and Conthey several counterfeit 100-franc notes in shopping malls, Shops and gas stations in circulation.

In comparison to other countries money is wrong in Switzerland is rather rare in circulation, because banknotes are considered to be forgery-proof. The best protection is to know the genuine Bank notes, writes of the Valais cantonal police, and recommends, Based received, always in silence. The genuine banknotes are optically and to identify with the sense of touch.

In the case of suspected counterfeit money and when the Note should be compared with a genuine Banknote. The suspicion, the police should be contacted setting. When there is a suspicion, how the fake note comes money, should also be the police notified. (fal/sda)

Created: 28.12.2018, 16:21 PM