the ROME – Destroy minorities through the removal of identity for the purpose of taking possession of their territories. This would be the goal of the new school, inaugurated few days ago in eastern India. Makes it known to the ngo Survival International. At Baripada in the federated state of Orissa, the Institute of social sciences, Kalinga (Kiss) has opened in collaboration with the Adani group, a multinational company indiana coal, a new residential school for children from the communities of the local indigenous. The tycoon at the head of the school is Achyuta Samanta, who in the course of his career, has received 33 honoris causa degrees, and last year, the Gandhi Mandela Award for social impact. His profile is also accredited by the United Nations and the Institute of the Kalinga, the largest residential school for indigenous children, 27 thousand only in the state of Orissa, has a partnership with the “glass Palace”.

Factory School . Behind the objectives of the Agenda 2030 the Un, which the company spokesperson, however, there would be other interests. The british ngo complaint already from the time the abuses perpetrated against indigenous peoples by the residential schools, known as the “Factory school” or “schools for assimilation”. Today there are about 2 million on the Planet. In the previous two centuries were widespread, particularly in Australia, the United States and Canada. In the latter case, it is estimated that 6 thousand children died between 1883 and 1996, and the psychological consequences of disaster such as to cause a real “cultural genocide”. “This type of school aims to correct that we would be wrong in being indigenous. Teach us to feel shame for their identity and their origins”, a complaint’s Survival has launched a campaign to ask the minister of indian Affairs indigenous peoples, Shri Arjun Munda to intervene by opening an investigation into the repeated abuse and returning to the indigenous peoples and tribal control over the education of their children.

Murder, abuse and manipulation . Recently, in a residential school in the state of Maharashtra, in central-western part of India, 15 girls from the communities of the local indigenous have been drugged and repeatedly raped. It is estimated, moreover, that 1500 children are dead. Even Soni Sori, the teacher, and indian activist for the rights of indigenous people, has opposed publicly at the opening of this type of institutions: “in order to Provide their model of education because they want our children to hate the jungle. They want our children to hate their own culture”. The same advertising of the courses offered by the Institute for the Kiss is perplexing: it will, in fact, to transform “liabilities into assets, costs taxpayers”.

Reprogram the minds . Jo Woodman of Survival International, the goal of the mining company Adani is to take possession of the lands of an indigenous nation: “This school is an attempt brazen and without shame to reprogram a generation of children, ” he said, because to consider the mining activity that is good, and right, and their spiritual and cultural ties with their land and bad or backward”. Also the local ngo Spread has made known the dramatic consequences of this type of educational processes. Children once placed in these schools disapprendono their language, their customs and their traditions, even to consider lower family members. “The system has to benefit from the same victims who, in reality, destroys,” said the director of Survival, Stephen Corry, who considers “the collaboration between the mining company, Adani, and the school Kiss “yet another brazen attempt by the industry to erase the true human diversity.” Diversity that, in the case of indigenous and tribal peoples, is deemed fundamental for the fight against climate change and the survival of the Planet.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on The sardines go in Bibbiano, all the while speaking Salvini. On Saturday, the dip in the sea, Papeete the full and The empty of the left Sarditudine, the sound is promising of a word If the logistics was logic Salvini: “The referendum is the”Emilia and I will win”. The former minister pretends to rejoice

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