the ROME – a Few weeks ago, the Economist, bringing on the first page of a technical discussion among economists, opened a debate on“the illusion of inequality. Rejected the agenda redistributive of Corbyn, the ball can move to the US media, committed now to block the proposals of tax reform left Dem. And so, after years of a hold on the attention was a group of terrorists, Bloomberg note that of inequality….you talk too much! Hence it is not wrong, every year, to comment on the numbers puzzling that Oxfam has the merit and the “ringworm” to blurt out in face to the rich of the earth, while travelling towards Davos.

The unequal distribution between the genders. Is a useful exercise for us that Davos does not run the risk of being invited. For example, placing the emphasis on the dramatic inequalities generated, even by us, by the work of care – for the wretched salaries that it pays (when it pays); for the precariousness that accompanies his “corporatization” for its unequal distribution among the genres – makes it clear to us as ever, it is rare to come across on Twitter in a woman that you deny the increase in inequality. In a Country where, after thirty years of stagnation and crisis, while the share of employment reaches all-time highs, while the hours worked and the salaries are those of ten years ago, we are told that we will live in a “society stately mass”, it is good to remember that private wealth, which in Italy has reached record level (nineteenth century), seven times the GDP, don’t we all share in the same way.

The “liberals” of our house, it must be remembered that… by definition, wealth is the most unequal of income: and even in Italy, where the policies for the house property, and had made more equidistribuita, is increased, and as much as tells the Forum that the Inequalities and Diversity – especially during this “crisis” infinite. And then, even if the inequality of income from us will not increase (the rest is the amount of income that do not pass so well), it is well to remember the “liberal” in our house that if the wealth increases the weight of 40 years ago, it was just three times the GDP) and becomes more unequal (the 10% richest had less than 50% in 1995, today over 60%), while it continues to collapse, the weight of the wages, and almost one Italian out of three is at risk of poverty, then the inequalities in Italy are increasing – debate closed.

The super-rich escape to many investigations. different Data in the capture in a different way: the super-rich escape to many investigations, and if Ernesto Rossi, already in 1955 noted the “modesty” of those local to appear…in front of the irs, the continuing erosion of the tax base of personal income TAX makes it impossible to keep the contribution of capital income to inequality. But even if we limit ourselves to the wealth, in a world where weighs seven times the income, you get rich by working, but by marrying a man as rich – or having him as a father. Not surprisingly, social mobility remains a mirage. As explained by Oxfam, in Italy, if the children of the rich study more, even with the same education earn 17% more than the sons of no one.

Numbers discouraging: but without resign ourselves . Sue is the first step to reverse course. It was not always so, it should not remain so. We could start with a minimum wage, with the protections of the equal for work of equal value that would benefit, among others, women in the services of care; and a progressive tax on the benefits achieved, which finances a “dowry of citizenship” universal 15.000 € to eighteen year olds are just two of the Forum’s proposals. Of inequalities you talk too much, yes: it’s time to fight back.

* James Gabbuti, phd student in economic history at the University of Oxford and editor of Jacobin Italy, is a member of the assembly of the Forum of Inequalities and Diversity

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on The sardines go in Bibbiano, all the while speaking Salvini. On Saturday, the dip in the sea, Papeete the full and The empty of the left Sarditudine, the sound is promising of a word If the logistics was logic Salvini: “The referendum is the”Emilia and I will win”. The former minister pretends to rejoice

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