A snow-Shoe tour to the beautiful Kahler is described in guides as “easy and straightforward”. The 1688-Meter-high mountain in the allgäu Alps, is often frequented accordingly, also in not so good conditions. There are hardly any high-Alpine dangers – neither crevasses still technically difficult.

However, you can also get in a relatively harmless-looking summit is seriously in distress in the mountains. For two of the German snow-Shoe hikers, the 3. February, were broken up by the Tannheimer valley with snow-shoes for the beautiful Kahler, ended the trip dramatically.

The men were at noon marched ahead and were lost later in the descent in the dense snow. On the day of the avalanche warning level 3 in the Region (“substantial risk”). Against 18.30 o’clock alarm, the snow-Shoe Walker not contacted the mountain rescue because you found the safe way back. The use of management decided, with three search teams. 15 helper searched in the dark for the winter sports enthusiasts – fortunately successfully.

Unharmed recovered

The two men were supplied with warm clothing and hot drinks and late in the evening, unhurt into the valley. So far, So good – but the story, which was now on the verge of the annual General meeting of the Tyrolean mountain rescue service to the public, had an unfortunate aftermath.

The mountain rescue Tannheim sent, as usual in such cases, an invoice for the use of the German Schneeschuhgeher. However, one of the two Rescued, a lawyer from Augsburg, Germany, did not want to pay the required 2261 euros and threatened with a lawsuit. He criticized especially the high number of forces. Two mountain rescuers with a flashlight would have been enough in his opinion for the use of the bill was much too high.

“We feel that we have been crazy legal one in front of the bib.”Hermann Spiegl, country Manager of the Tyrolean mountain rescue

they were aware of “excessive costs for inserts with tourists” have been set, the newspaper quoted from the Letter from the lawyer. In Austria, the indignation is great, since the “Kronen-Zeitung” reported.

“We feel that we have been crazy legal one in front of the space,” says Hermann Spiegl, country Manager of the Tyrolean mountain rescue. In addition, the letter was formulated in a rather top-down: “Someone who is in an Alpine emergency, has not to decide how the rescue organization creates their use.” At the rescue, the hikers would not have shown itself to be very cooperative and not at the prompt, held to remain at the place where your phone was located at the Discontinuation of the emergency call. The more difficult the search.

donate to the mountain rescue

2261 Euro are, objectively, not much, Spiegl of the Tyrolean mountain rescue. Especially when you consider that rescue operations on the mountain in bad weather, life is very complex and, under certain circumstances, for the mountain rescuers that may be hazardous, such as in the case of avalanche danger.

As a reaction to the case in the Tannheim valley, donations were received for the Tyrolean mountain rescue of persons from Germany who were ashamed for the behavior of her two compatriots. And in the meantime the bill had been paid for use in the Tannheimer valley, says Hermann Spiegl. The case is done – if it was not so “easy and straightforward” as the normal route to the beautiful Kahler.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.05.2019, 17:52 PM