“IS the defeat of the opening of the new balance of power in Syria”

“the Islamic state has run out of Hajin in Syria. The city has been described as the banned terrorist group’s last major urban stronghold in the country. The extremists are now expected to again go over the earth, and an important issue for the balance of power in the region will be how the united states acts, according to an expert.”

“Razed buildings and burnt-out cars surrounding the way into the Hajin in Syria. It was last Friday that the kurdish-arab militia, the SDF, with the help of the US-led militäralliansens air strikes, managed to push out Islamic state (IS) from here. The city is located in the province of Deir al-Zor, near the border with Iraq, and is one of the last areas of the ICE is controlled in the country.”

“– Hajin is now under our control, ” says SDF-commander Zanar Awaz at news agency Reuters.”

“the Withdrawal is an important step in the fight against ICE. The offensive to take back the area was launched in september and has been both costly and bloody. At least 930 extremists, over 540 SDF-soldiers and 320 civilians have been killed, most of them in the militäralliansens air strikes, according to the opposition Syrian människorättsobservatoriet (SOHR).”

“Armed ICE-supporter stated, however, still remain in the area surrounding the Hajin, including in the villages of al-Shaafa, and Sousa, according to Reuters. And even if extremistgruppen forced to give up the last of the villages can it remain a long-term problem, according to Syrienkännaren Aaron Lund, linked to the institute of Foreign affairs.”

“– the Members are trying to survive by going underground and carry out bombings, assassinations and other types of destabilizing attacks. You want to weaken the syrian and iraqi governments and kurdish communities, and thus keep the conflict and the thrill of living, he says to TT.”

“There are most likely plenty of secret ICE-cells remain, both in Iraq and in Syria, according to Lund. According to a UN report from August, there were then over 30,000 ICE members in the two countries, writes The Washington Post. An american report estimated at the same time there were about 14 000 IS members in Syria.”

“And even if ICE possesses less than one percent of the area in which the group controlled, by 2015, the extremists most likely to continue to pose a threat for a long time to come.”

“– On the whole, it plays no role for the balance of power in Syria where IS controls a few villages or not. However, it plays big role how the united states to act after the man proclaims victory against the ICE, it leads then to the americans starts scaling down its presence in Syria?”

“According to Lund, this is done already in preparation for the closing a part of the office in Washington DC that has pushed the stake against ICE ago 2014.”

“– Such plays a role, because the united states still is an important party in the Syrienkriget through its support to the kurdish forces that are attacking the ICE, but also trying to establish an autonomous government out of the reach of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Damascus.”

“the Islamic state (IS) is an armed sunniextremistisk movement. It has its roots in a small group, which was formed in Afghanistan by jordaniern Abu Musab al-In around 2000. He fled to Iraq when Afghanistan was invaded by the united states. There joined the al-Zarqawis of supporters of the sunni resistance in Iraq, under the name Tawhid al-Jihad.”

“in 2004, swore Tawhid al-Jihad allegiance to Osama bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Two years later lost the group the support for attacks against muslims and sunni klanstyrkor started killing AQI fighters. In an attempt to regain local support, changed AQI’s name to the Islamic state in Iraq (Isi).”

“In 2013, conducted the Isi multiple attacks a month in Iraq, and gave themselves up in the syrian civil war. Isi joined forces with syrian forces and call themselves the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (Isis).”

“In January 2014 took Isis control of the iraqi city of al-Fallujah, and shortly thereafter, al-Raqqa in Syria. In June 2014 took Isis control of the iraqi city of Mosul. The same month proclaimed the banned terrorist movement, its ”

“In August 2014, the united states launched and several allied air strike against IS in Iraq for the following month to extend the attacks even to the syrian territory. Since 2015, ICE has been pushed back and lost most of the geographical area in which, for a time, controlled.”