The danger to be buried alive, was one of the primal Fears of the 19th century. Century. These horror stories, how she knew to tell my grandmother yet, have me so busy that I spent once served as an altar boy, my time to watch the aufgebahrten dead concentrated in the face, to see if it twitches.

Why am I telling you this? Hardly anyone still has a fear of suspended animation; he is now in the horror movies. The real horror pictures, horror pictures of the everyday life of today to act from the illusion of a life. You are about to hang at the end of life, “hoses”, as it is in many inaccurate patient dispositions, that they will not tolerate want.

The Horror of today is the medical technology, which is used in good faith so that they will not, for a blessing, but a curse – because it prevents the terminally ill people a peaceful death; because it makes the next life to continue to suffer. To a lot of treatment, Gian Domenico Borasio, says can make the death more torturous than necessary. Borasio is Professor of palliative medicine at the University of Lausanne.


stop vegetating But: when will the good a Lot of a bad lot? And who decides that? Para count? The Doctors? The Economy? Certainly at the Top of the autonomy. It requires, however, Manifestations of the sick – be it in a living will or health care proxy, in which one has transferred to a other people for emergency situations the decisions.

there Are rules according to which the software process should be? This is one of the questions that the judge must find this week in Germany, a response. The son of a demented father, the family doctor until his death in 82. Age was artificially feed, has complained. He demanded from the doctor for Pain and suffering because of inappropriate artificial feeding and the had a would be prevented.

The process of dying may not be to Vegetate. Prior to that, the aid in Dying preserved. Help is always: no one shall be forced to Die. It may develop no pressure at the “early demise”; that would be perverse. There is also no one should be forced to live on the want to a free decision for no life-sustaining treatment.

it sounds so clear, but it is often no longer clear, as soon as the concrete reality comes in between.

embedding in Care

What to do when one can no longer say what he wants? He has a living will? Well. But the patient may not capture all cases of a dazzling life and death clearly. What to do if the opinions of the members among themselves, the Nurses and Doctors had to deal with this, whether this particular life is still an asset? The uniqueness, which suggests the sentence “This is no life”. There are terminally Ill who wish to accept a life that every Healthy feel about as a punishment, and life.

This is no life more? There is no evaluation program, no algorithm, after which the can be determined. Nothing removes from the conversation, nothing to relieve you of some conflicts. The best way to ensure that this struggle leads to good output, is trust. Confidence makes himself scarce in a time of great social disease of loneliness. The man at the end of his life must be embedded in Care; palliative medicine it’s called.

The art of dying

to accept that people are better need to learn your mortality. Part of this is that you do what is done nowadays is still all too rare: the conversation about the last things in the family, in the circle of friends, the family doctor is not the way to go.

You don’t die because you talk about Dying. But it may very well be that one dies as a result, once a little easier. The could, the should also be in the judgment of Tuesday, although that is part of not know the clause.

In the middle ages it was called the “ars moriendi”: the art of dying.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 31.03.2019, 21:51 PM