“It is not the EU that threatens our control”

“the Market power must be restricted”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“BorlängenI day gave the european Parliament its final plenumdagen. For the social democrat Marita Ulvskog has, however, the campaign for the elections to the EUROPEAN parliament has already been going on for a while. With about one month left to the election, there really is no time to lose. Voters must be convinced that the elections on 26 may is really important.”

“this is Marita Ulvskogs the last election campaign, in any case in the role of the EU-parliamentarians. The former minister, the party secretary and editor-in-chief – this is how she is presented in the Valleys – have been his ten years in parliament. It may be enough, ” she says.”

“at the same time, Marita Ulvskog to the work of the EUROPEAN parliament really made a difference. This applies not least to the new rules for the use of foreign labour, which was resolved last year.”

“– The most important thing I could do, ” she says now.”

“the Conditions for the workers who work in another EU country, the posting says,” in this context, is one of the EU issues that generated the most debate in Sweden. The conflict on the Fjäderholmsskolan in the Vaxholm and the so-called laval judgment created in some quarters – not least in the trade union movement – a concern that the Swedish social model seriously would be threatened by the EU.”

“Workers who are forced to compete with the low wages and poor working conditions is a sure recipe for increased tensions in society.”

“As chairman of the parliament’s committee for social affairs and employment became the Ulvskogs responsibility to get through the new rules. It is managed thus.”

“– Now is the impact of the laval judgment gone, ” she says.”

“When the british three years ago, voted to leave the EU was very much about taking back control. People in the Uk would have the rule, without preaching from Brussels.”

“It’s burning in the knots”

“last week, gathered the countries of the EU heads of government to – which time in order – to discuss the british withdrawal. It burned in the corner. According to the timetable concerned, would the Uk leaving the union on Friday, with or without the agreement.”

“A crash would hurt everyone, but the british the most. Thus, the forced Theresa May once again put the country’s fate in the hands of Merkel, Macros, and Leaves.nHon got his extension, but in the middle of the political brexitkaoset to the british now plan to hold an election to the EUROPEAN parliament. Talk about out of touch.”

“There is nothing wrong in the idea that democracy should take back some of the control over the society from the market forces that got everything for free rein. But it is hardly the EU that is the problem. On the contrary, the union may actually be used to limit the capital’s freedom and create fairer conditions.”