Yet the surface of the water is so mirror smooth that you do not need to look to the top to see the mountains. Captain Adriano Beti throws the engine of the MS Sassalbo, while Ilario Dorizzi solves the ropes on the ship’s bridge in Le Prese. A slight breeze blows in over the blue-green Lago di Poschiavo and you’d like to sing the children’s song “Schiffli fahrä uf äm lake”.

Pride is Adriano Beti at the helm of the passenger ship with a Swiss flag fluttering in the Wind, and watched the sky. “It should hold until we get back,” he says expertly. The pensioner knows the Wind and weather, even if it is only for a couple of years behind the wheel. Previously, he has worked for 43 years at the Rhaetian railway. “I loved my work, but I don’t need to keep to the tracks,” he says with a grin.

On the Lago di Poschiavo, a ship departs, it is only since 2016. A year earlier, the Association Amici del Lago, Ricardo had up for auction, in order to expand the tourist offer in the valley. The Association has restored the ship and the name of Sassalbo baptized – so the striking mountain peaks is above Poschiavo, which is reflected in the lake.

From lake Lucerne, on the river Aare

several Times a week, the Sassalbo stands now, in lake, in addition, it is also for company outings or family gatherings on-the-go. Sleek looks with its red color. With a length of 18.5 metres, and 40 passenger seats it is the largest passenger ship of the Grisons.

the Sassalbo has already some years on the hump, actually exactly 100 years. In 1919, the boat was taken as a Ledischiff on the lake of Lucerne, in operation, the ship’s bell is still with the inscription “Rütli II in 1919, Escher Wyss”. Later it was converted to a passenger ship and came from the heart of Switzerland, on the Aare. An even greater journey, the ship lady then made in 2015, as it was brought via the Julier and Bernina passes, with a special Transporter to the Val Poschiavo.

no longer have to keep to the tracks: Adriano Beti at the helm of Sassalbo. Photo: Silvia Schaub

Cozy, it is on the Sassalbo, while on the banks of the red Bernina train is passing by and passengers wave to each other. About the speaker will be fed with information about the lake and the surrounding area. There one learns, for example, that in addition to the passenger ship is 80 fishermen with their small boats are about 10’000 fish per year – including many of the char – get. Or why the village of Miralago was called at the end of the lake once Meschino (Italian for poor, puny). “Because it is three months out of the year in the shadows.”

Sometimes, Ilario Dorizzi told jokes personally. Today, he has to do all hands full, and entertained the passengers with fruit juices, tea or beer. “Of course, everything from the valley,” he says. After about an hour, Adriano Beti is heading back to the starting point in Le Prese, to the delight of the passengers is enough even for an extra loop in front of the Hotel Le Prese. The clouds become denser, the first drops are falling. How was the children’s song again?

Schiffli fahrä uf äm lake
Cha mer schöni Sachä gseh
Chand dä Wind and chunt dä storm
the schönä to Throws Schiffli.

the Sassalbo but fortunately, it has to be robust.

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Created: 08.08.2019, 11:34 PM