“It is thought to have styckmördats – three are in pre”

the “Data: ”Asked the woman to go out on the balcony””

“one of Three men suspected of involvement in a murder case in southern Stockholm.”

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet found a man dismembered in an area with bright coloured, after visiting a female acquaintance in mordkvällen.”

“– the Newly found remains of the man suspected to have been murdered, ” said prosecutor Hanna Cardell.”

“A suspected murder in the south of Stockholm, is being investigated by police and prosecutors.”

“the Incident took place the night of the 26th of October. In Tuesday arrested three men in the Södertörn district court.”

“– One of them is arrested for murder, the other for being an accessory to murder, ” says Hanna Cardell, prosecutor at Södertörn district.”

“”Asked the woman to go out on the balcony””

“the Man who is believed to have been murdered should have been on a visit to a female acquaintance during mordkvällen, according to information provided to Aftonbladet. When a 39-year-old man, a former related to the woman, appeared in the apartment should he have asked the woman to go out on the balcony.”

“From the balcony, the woman sees how the 39-year-old becomes violent towards her familiar, and the man calling there two other men.”

“Then, the three men and the woman’s familiar disappeared from the apartment. Afterwards notice the woman to a suitcase missing, according to Aftonbladet’s information.”

“About a month later to report the woman the incident to the police. “

“the Police notes soon that the woman’s familiar had no bank loan since the date of the event, and his apartment has been untouched for just as long, according to Aftonbladet’s information.”

“Task: Remains were found in suitcase”

“the Skeletons of the man was found in a wood in the south of Stockholm, an area where there are bright coloured, according to Aftonbladet’s information. Parts of the body must have been in a suitcase and a cardboard box.”

“– Recently, it has been found the remains of the man suspected to have been murdered. We have not received any technical confirmation that it is he, but we have good grounds to believe that it is this missing person, ” said prosecutor Hanna Cardell.”

“the 39-year-old was arrested on probable grounds suspected of murder, abuse in a court of law and ill-treatment, committed during the current evening between 25 October and 26 October. “

“At the arrest on 7 december was also the suspicion of serious vapenbrott and drug-related offences, which the 39-year-old also detained for.”

“”Admits crimes against griftefriden””

“The two other men were arrested on probable grounds suspected of being an accessory to murder. Prosecutors had also claimed breach of griftefriden.”

“Prosecutor Hanna Cardell do not want to confirm that it is investigating a suspicious styckmord. “

“– One of the suspects admits the responsibility for the violation of the griftefriden”, Hanna says Cardell.”

“the Man who admitted to crimes against griftefriden is in the 35-year-olds. The second man suspected of being an accessory to murder is 55 years of age. All were arrested and detained on 7 december.”

“the Prosecution shall be brought no later than January 8, 2019.”

“▪▪ Aftonbladet has sought contact with all three men’s lawyers. The mordmisstänka 39-year-old denies the crime, as well as the man in the 55-years old, who is suspected of being an accessory to murder.”

“The third man’s lawyer, whose client admitted suspicion of crimes against griftefriden, has not been possible to reach. During the hearing, he denied the allegation of being an accessory to murder.”