“It must be easier to travel green in Europe”

“the Debaters: M and SD, you brakes climate”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The responsibility for klimatomställningen shall not be passed on to individuals. Instead, policy must go ahead and take responsibility. Therefore, we now present suggestions for how we social democrats want to push for easier and greener travel in the EU. “

“climate change is one of our time’s fatal questions. The question is not whether we need to ask if, but how. Individual initiative is only to applaud but also it is great that people go ahead and take our own initiatives to live more climate-smart, there will not be enough. “

“the Responsibility for the klimatomställningen shall not be passed on to individuals when it is the collective action that is essential. Now, policy must go ahead and take responsibility by forward-looking and progressive legislation, environmental taxes and support to climate-smart solutions. We are convinced that the climate challenge requires common solutions at the EUROPEAN level.”

“With a future-oriented social climate, it is becoming easier and cheaper to do the right thing. All countries and all sectors must contribute if we are to do to live up to Parisöverenskommelsen to stop global warming. The EU needs to do more the next term, in order to contribute with their part of the responsibility. We start now with the one of the most important changes needed for us to get sustainable transport in Europe.”

“Therefore, we now present a number of suggestions for how we, within the framework of european cooperation to push for easier and greener travel within Europe. You should be able to travel with better klimatsamvete.”

“We Socialists and democrats want to make it easier to buy rail tickets for travel in Europe. Train companies and operators must make available information on travel and departures in a user friendly manner. It would allow, for example, platforms where travellers can book trips, even across national borders.”

“It should also be safe to go by train through Europe. As a train passenger, you should not need to worry about being left in the lurch on a platform when you are traveling with family, children, and old parents. Therefore, we want to strengthen consumer protection for rail passengers.”

“at the same time, we want to take advantage of the klimatpotential is in creating better conditions for a more sustainable flight. The EU should be a driving force in reducing aviation’s carbon footprint. It is, inter alia, to increase the share of sustainably produced renewable fuels. “

“We, as socialists, believe that the polluter should pay. We are convinced that it increases the driving forces for the conversion. It is unreasonable that the airline industry only pay 15% of their emissions. Unlike the Conservatives, we want to break the current utsläppsrean and reduce the allocation of allowances to the airline industry.”

“In the vote on the ets voted the Conservatives systematically against the progressive elements. The conservatives work for the climate is a lip service, which in fact mostly consisted in lowering the ambition and reduce omställningstakten in the industry’s emission reductions. While we Socialists are pushing for more stringent requirements for the accounting for emissions, trying to the Conservatives together with The sweden democrats slow down the work.”

“It is not the right way to go. It is possible to tackle global warming – if we take joint responsibility. With equitable distribution and believe in the possibilities we can make the necessary klimatomställningen to something positive. We need to be able to make the tough but necessary decisions required. It requires that the community is strong and that the policy takes a greater responsibility. A step on the way is to send the politicians who want to take responsibility for the climate to Brussels.”

“Heléne FritzonnJytte GutelandnSocialdemokraternas toppkandidater in the elections to the european Parliament”