the ROME – Less consumerist for ‘lack of resources’, but also for a greater focus on sustainability and waste. And with a growing passion for hi-tech and travel. Between crisis and technological innovation, and the decade that you start to come to an end, marked a change also in the consumption and in the traditions of the italians for Christmas. A transformation that emerges clearly from the buying habits, photographed by Confesercenti with the Swg.

Compared to 2010, the percentage of families that supports you to live comfortably or without problems with their income fell from 52 to 41%. At the same time, the percentage of households that have difficulties to live with their own income has risen from 31 to 43%. In 2019, for the first time, the percentage of those who feel how insufficient their income exceeds the share of those who considers it appropriate. A perception of difficulty, which translates into a greater attention to the prices. A quarter of households (25%) now believes the prices an item of the utmost concern: they were only 15% in 2010, underlines the research.

It has transformed the sensibility of the Italian families to the major economic and social issues. In 2010, before the crisis, were concerned with the crime (53% of families) and immigration (28%). Today, the themes of crime and immigration are felt only, respectively, by 24 and 18% of the households. The main concern is to become the economic situation (42% of the households) followed by that for the environment. Also the unemployment concern, but less than you did prior to the crisis (36 versus 40%), adds the research of Confesercenti-Swg.

In difficulty due to the insufficiency of their income, Italian households live in a condition of fragility, but also of increased awareness, which leads to look with great attention to the issues of preservation of the environment. The families that put the environment and pollution among the top concerns are, in 2019, 36% were 17% in 2010, less than half. (continued)


ISSN 2465 – 1222
23-DEC-19 10:07

(Ap) – At the same time, it consolidates strongly the tradition of traveling on Christmas. Compared to 2010, the Italian who will celebrate in the journey have nearly doubled, moving from under 10 million to over 19 million. The individual budget, however, is restricted to about 15%, from 810 683 euro per person. Italy is always the most popular, even if it grows from 6 to 19% the percentage of those who will make a vacation in Europe, adds the research of Confesercenti-Swg.

In the last ten years, the ecommerce has been the channel of retail that grew faster. And at the expense of mainly the large business facilities. In 2010, 49% of the families bought their Christmas gifts at a shopping centre: today is the 25%. The web, however, is changed from 10 to 32% of the preferences. Remains stable, however, the distribution of traditional shops and markets to go from 40% to 39% of the market share. In detail, increases the one of the neighbourhood shops (24 to 29%) and decreases that of the markets (from 16 to 10%). (continued)


ISSN 2465 – 1222
23-DEC-19 10:07

(Reuters) – Surprisingly more similar, however, the types of gift give: in 2010, the top ten gifts most sought after were clothing and fashion accessories (reported by 37% of italians); then books (35%) and gifts food and wine (32%). In 2019, the ranking is practically the same: under the tree triumph of the usual suspects: clothes (38%), books (reported by 37% of respondents), gifts, gourmet (32%).

But you require more, compared to 2010, the products of technology and video games (for a share of approximately 30%). Grows, but remains distant in the ranking of the gifts bought, the category of the furniture/accessories for the home, indicated this year by 16%, which contained only 8% of the responses in 2010, concludes the research of Confesercenti-Swg.


ISSN 2465 – 1222
23-DEC-19 10:07

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