The Italian cargo ship “Asso Trenta” has been rescued in the night of Saturday 200 migrants. The Libya wicked people were taken in international waters in safety, as the aid organisation “Alarm Phone” reported.

Italian authorities had been informed. “These people are fleeing from Libya and can no longer return there. They need to be brought to Europe,” tweeted the organization. The “Asso Trenta” is currently off the coast of Tripoli.

In the Mediterranean sea, the cargo ships have rescued since 2014, around 84’000 refugees, such as the Association of Italian shipping companies reported at its meeting on Thursday in Rome. He demanded that the government in Rome of clarity in the application of Italian and international rules in matters of rescue duty in the sea. Most Italian cargo ships had come since 2014 at the migrant rescue operations.

9648 refugees arrived since the beginning of 2019 in Italy. In 2018, there were 22’031, in the year 2017 111’401. This year, the number of arrivals of Asylum seekers compared to the same period in 2018, had declined to 56 percent, according to the interior Ministry in Rome.

rescue ship soon in Italy

The Italian interior Ministry issued, in the meantime, the approval for the landing of the German rescue vessel “Alan Kurdi” with 88 migrants on Board in the South of Italy, Taranto. The ship is supposed to break on Sunday in the port of Taranto.

After almost a week on the Mediterranean sea, the Crew of the ship was retracted before in Italian territorial waters. The organization Sea Eye reasoned with the bad weather. The “Alan Kurdi” had taken the people on Saturday last week on Board.

With legal consequences, the organization don’t count because they have not acted illegally. Otherwise, Italy would have been denied entry into its waters. Italy had reached an agreement with other EU member States for the redistribution of the refugees on Board the “Alan Kurdi”. Germany and France will host 60 refugees and a further five persons to go to Portugal, to Ireland, such as the Ministry of the interior announced in Rome.

cooperation with Libya

Italy extended the 2017-Libya cooperation agreement on migration will, meanwhile, extend the questions, however, in some aspects, change. Italy calls for a Meeting of a bilateral Commission with members from both countries to Amend some points of the agreement, such as on Saturday from the Italian government said.

The agreement with Tripoli, the extended on Saturday automatically, will not be terminated, said the foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio in front of the chamber of deputies in Rome. Relief agencies had spoken of the need to stop in view of the miserable situation for refugees in the North African civil war country cooperation. The government wanted to improve the agreement, but said Di Maio.

When the Agreement is to stop people who want to from Libya across the Mediterranean to Europe. The Memorandum which the then social-democratic Italian government signed in mid-2017 with the internationally recognized government in Tripoli, and was accompanied by informal agreements with various Libyan militias. (anf/sda)

Created: 02.11.2019, 16:21 PM