“With the utmost violence” of the whole brass choir climbs the first movement of the ninth Symphony of Gustav Mahler at its peak, during the score of gone with the wind at its end, “ersterbend” with the Pianissimo of the strings. It is the last work has been completed by the composer full, contrast dominates rich in changes of tone colors, great music, the farewell, from a motive of sadness, the interval of a descending second.

As a highly welcome guest on the podium of the orchestra he has shaped from 2012 to 2018 as the chief conductor, Iván Fischer at the factory with a respect for the way he is he is not always a top priority. First of all, he is peeling and the score, so to speak, in front of the listeners, without you the sound with the Emotion charge. It is a Position of the slow apprehension, and Admirable without Pathetisierung. The orchestral splendor of his orchestra arranges fishing the mental connection of the Whole, the features in a self-employed voice-leading and polytonalen Chordal pain basic mood. He starts the performance in the concert hall as a servant-artist, rather restrained until the Finale comes from its design. This Adagio today can miss no heart.

Melodious in the extreme Register

You have to imagine that the premiere in 1912, was by Bruno Walter, the devoted defender of the music of Mahler, in a time when there was the world. In 1911 published the obituary of the eminent reviewers Alexander Berrsche, sings the praise of the conductor’s Mahler, it is said: “His compositions, which he has wrested with the tough hard work, be the consequences what is mortal in him.” By contrast, the composer Mahler is worshiped to death by Schoenberg, Webern, Berg, the Ninth at the beginning of the New music, “the most glorious of what he has written”.

Fischer’s first touch reminiscent of the end of the work-enhancing the playback of this reception history. The leisurely Ländler, he is conciliatory rather elegantly as “täppisch and very coarse”. In the Rondo-Burleske, he relies particularly on the transparency of the polyphonic tour de force tour until the Stretta wins it all. In the case of the Orchestersoli he makes the Horn, flute, clarinet, bassoon, your freedom to your own fascination.

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Konzerthaus Berlin, The multi-generational WG

Frederik Hanssen

From the Adagio, but the essence of a string orchestra, speaks in a melodious in the extreme Register. The motif of the double shock, of a musical Figure, most melodious expression of art, the fisherman spreads with the orchestra in front of gebanntem audience. Adagio, Molto Adagio Adagissimo.