The new bearer of the Iffland-ring is a German actor Jens Harzer. The Austrian culture Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) announced on Friday. In February that died on a Swiss actor Bruno Ganz had his colleagues last will and Testament to be his successor.

the Harz was an actor, the most remarkable due to its multi-faceted Create said Blümel. The 47-Year-old’s play since 2009 a permanent member of the ensemble at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, and in Austria, at the Salzburg festival in 2018 on the stage.

The Iffland-Ring, a diamond-finger-ring of iron, the “most important and most worthy of the” German-speaking theatre artists. On the piece of jewelry in the likeness of the actor and theatre Director August Wilhelm Iffland (1759-1814) emblazoned on the the to empires legends goes back to the history of the ring. The award is traditionally given only to men. This fact was recently criticized by the trade magazine “Theater heute”. The price should also be opened for women, urged the editorial.

Ring is to be presented before the summer

All that was succumbed in February of cancer, had received the Ring once by the Austrian actor, Josef Meinrad. He should first have his nearly of the same age stage colleagues, Gert Voss as a successor, had already been in Meinrads death as a candidate to be traded. Voss died in 2014.

“Bruno has selected with his decision, an artist whose Work extends far beyond the stage. Harz is an actor who stands out due to its multi-faceted Create”, Blümel quoted.

He wants to give the Ring to the stage in the Burgtheater in Vienna, the ceremony is expected to take place before the summer. An exact date is not fixed yet. (SDA/ red)

Created: 22.03.2019, 11:39 PM