“Jessica Almenäs fighting back against the criticism: ”A feminist issue””

“After the joke in Channel 5’s ”Breaking News”: ”does Not your dump””

“Jessica Almenäs have been receiving lots of threats and hateful messages after joking about draghundsåkaren Johanna Kempe in the ”Breaking News”.”

“Now answer the host of the show on criticism.”

“It’s sad, but as a woman you obviously still do not skojau002Fgöra humoru002Fleda late night show-tv on the same terms as a man,” she writes.”

“It has stormed around the tv profile of Jessica Almenäs, 43, for an element in the humorprogrammet ”Breaking News”.”

“In the element did Almenäs and programledarkollegan Johan Petersson himself hilarious over the 23-year-old draghundsåkaren Johanna Kempe and her dog. “

“Johanna Kempe was badly affected and published the following day, a post on Facebook in which she criticized the Almenäs for her statements in the program.”

“the Post was spread widely and after the event has host of the show received strong criticism from their followers.”

“Now, she goes out and comments on the event on Instagram.”

“”Jeez what a sick day,” writes the host of the show.”

“the harassment”

“”All humor is not for everyone, but if the recipient (in this case, all the tv viewers) to decide what is fun so you can’t make jokes about anything,” she writes in the post, and informs at the same time that she has actually apologised to Johanna Kempe.”

”still Think it’s a pretty innocuous clip in which we’re kidding about a cute linslus to the dog, however, was some of the wording unnecessary. Bad therefore Johanna apologize.””

“Since the incident attracted the attention mean Jessica Almenäs that she has received lots of hate on social media.”

“”the Amount of hatred, threats, intimidation, serious attacks on both me and my family that I have been receiving is beyond all limits and is NOT OK ANYWHERE,” she writes.”

“She also believes that the majority of the people who bombarded her with hateful messages, not even have seen the program, something she calls ”extremely uncomfortable”.”

“”to you at all to get the word out, I think that you should have seen the clip so you know what you’re talking about.”

“”A feminist issue””

“the Presenter also believes that the hatred directed against her based on the fact that she is a woman and writes that it ”unfortunately is a feminist issue”.”

“She believes that the Filip and Fredrik, who usually leads the ”Breaking News”, was much coarser, but never had to endure the same criticism. “

“It’s sad, but as a woman you obviously still do not skojau002Fgöra humoru002Fleda late night show-tv on the same conditions as a man. Nah, man should know his place and be the talented, cute, kind girl. Otherwise, you DIE. Burned at the stake. Can’t help but think of the witch trials,” she writes.”

“According to Almenäs to his colleague Johan Petersson also not have received a single comment regarding the incident, despite the fact that he was equally complicit in the joke.”

“the Host after hatstormen decided to block and remove users from their channels. The reason is that she has had enough and ”is not your dump”, as she writes on Instagram.”

“Many also have commented on the post and shown their support. Among other things, has komikerkollegorna Keyyo and David left the hearts in the comment field while kändispolisen Martin Mellin notes that ”they have heard much’.”