”If Tarkovsky had played video games and was an american silent film so his films could have looked like this”, writes the jury in its motivation. At the weekend skåne, director John Skoog receive the prestigious award at the 16th edition of Cph:dox, one of the world’s largest departments of biomedical engineering.

this is The second year in a row that an american director takes home will claim the top prize. Last year won the Marcus Lindéen for ”the Raft”, which depicts a notorious socialantropologiskt experiments in the early 70’s.

can be described as a hybridfilm which is a lyrical reflection of the Swedish summer, and somewhere in the borderland between documentary, abstract fiction, and art. The film has a kind of supernatural quality where it depicts the farmers who celebrate the harvest, the young people who engaged in ritual drinking in the woods and the Polish guest workers who come with the ferry to help with the Swedish agriculture. The film has Swedish premiere on 3 may.

In this year’s nordic competition section of the ”Nordic:dox award” went to the jury honorable mention to Lina Maria Mannheimers dejtingdokumentär ”Mating” which had Swedish theatrical release on Friday.

Fredrik Gerttens new documentary, ”Push” won the audience award at the 16th edition of Cph:dox. After movies like ”Bananas!”, ”The young Zlatan” and ”Bikes vs. cars” investigates the scanian director how the global housing crisis hits ordinary people’s accommodation when the property prices from soaring.