“Judgment in the day for murdering his wife in Dalsland”

“A man who murdered his wife in Dalsland last summer, in the day of his judgment. Vänersborg district court has already come to the conclusion that the man is guilty. Now announced the punishment.”

“the prosecution has called for life imprisonment, citing that the man had a so-called hedersmotiv.”

“According to the indictment stabbed the man his wife with a knife a number of times, even when she’s already fallen to the floor. He stepped also on her face.”

“the Couple’s four children became witnesses to the deed. One of the sons called and sounded the alarm. The man is also accused of having molesting two of the children when they tried to end the violence against his mother. The district court has found him guilty even to this.”

“A psychiatric examination has shown that the man did not have any serious mental disorder.”