“Jurykollegorna responds to Tony Irving boot”

“Neither Cecilia Lazar or Ann Wilson agree with him”

“During last Friday’s ”Let’s dance,” said Tony Irving of his anger toward the jury.”

“Now give my colleagues a response. “

” I do not sit there for to keep with Tony, Cecilia says Lazar. “

“Tony Irving, 52, targeted in last week’s ”Let’s dance” criticism against their jurykollegor. “

“Now answer Ann Wilson, 50. “

“– I don’t take the criticism from Tony or anyone else in any bad way, ” she says. “

“Cecilia Lazar, 59, doesn’t seem to take. “

“– The boot time, I don’t know really where I’m going to do if I’m going to be honest. I do not sit there for to keep with Tony, ” she says. “

“I have the most experience””

“Both Ann Wilson and Cecilia Lazar can keep up with Tony on that they have different starting points when they make their assessment.”

“– We absolutely have very different backgrounds in the jury. I have tävlingsdansat at the elite level, been a judge and know how it is to teach so clean dansmässigt, I actually think that I have the most experience in the the jury, ” says Ann Wilson.”

“we Would sit there and think the same way everyone how fun the tv program had it been then,” says dr Lazar. “

“Gets pissed over discord”

“Tony Irving keeps stuck at the boot he threw against their colleagues last week. “

“– We utter ourselves with such an extreme difference this season, so I understand if it is difficult for Swedish people to understand what they are voting on. People get confused when we are not clear. I am always clear but in some cases my colleagues there and the bikes, ” he says. “

“He says that he will take up the issue during a meeting in a week. “

“– We will discuss if we need to make some actions. It’ll be a big discussion but people usually shit in what I’m saying yet so we’ll see how it goes, ” says Tony Irving. “

“He says that he wished that his jurykollegor had listened more to him than what it does ”then he in spite of everything is the president”. “

” I have the luck of working with two extremely professional colleagues. But I wish they had followed my guidance, on them more instead of ride in their own tracks.”

“Had you wanted to replace your jurykollegor? “

” To replace them is not on the wallpaper, in all the work you have to work with the colleagues. But I wish sometimes that I could throw them away and from there, it makes me really pissed off when we disagree. “