the Mayor of Høje-Taastrup and kommunalpolitisk vice-chairman of The Conservative Michael Ziegler mixes now in the debate on the Klimarådets of the late chairman, Peter Birch Sørensen.

‘Really bad history. The last doubt is gone! The president of the klimarådet was fired because he spoke @venstredk against’, writes Michael Ziegler in a tweet on the social media Twitter.

the Message is accompanied by a link to an article from the newspaper Information, which describes that the Left should have had plans on the first to close down and since relocate Klimarådet.

the Plans, which The Conservatives according to the media opposite.

environment minister Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) announced in november that the former president of the Klimarådet from 1. december would be replaced.

It came to pass after Klimarådet had recently released a report which criticises the government in order to slow down the pace of the green transition.

the climate minister has denied that there is talk about a political firing of klimarådsformanden on the basis of the criticism.

But it is still the thought that Michael Ziegler is left with.

– It seems that it is because you are irritated over the criticism that one has chosen to say that he should not continue. It seems I’m just such a little stupid way to work, says Høje-Taastrup-the mayor to the news agency Ritzau.

– If it was wrong to fire the president, should your party not have the opposite?

– We can not decide everything, with the six seats, we have have. Is how it is. But I do not think it is a good idea that you have switched him out. It is my quiet message in the context, says Michael Ziegler.

But why mix the you you really?

– I’m not part of the decision. I’m kommunalpolitiker, but I’m also interested in politics and society in general, and I allow myself to be samfundsdebattør.

– That manifests I spagfærdigt my point of view and say that it is not smart, when the climate change agenda is so important that you then shut down of criticism. It is certainly the impression one can get, he says.

Klimarådet is an independent, advisory body of experts. The new council chairman is professor Peter Møllgaard from the Dutch Maastricht University School of Business and Economics.