In the ‘Ex on the Beach’ there were two persons, as specifically held together: Mark Bøgelund and Abdul Gheith.

As the former smoke out of the program, he gave his necklace and bracelets Katarina Estrup Larsen, as he had a flirt with, so she could think of him. However, it was not many hours before Abdul and Katarina had tongue down the throat of each other after a game of intimate of the Region buttocks.

In record time, seemed to Mark forgotten in the villa.

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When Katarina Estrup Larsen visited Ekstra tv studio together with Mikkel Søndergaard, she explained.

– There is, after all, the Mark leaving the villa and give me the jewelry, and I am incredibly pleased. I was thinking very much on the Mark. No doubt about it. I saw not a future with Abdul, it was just pure fun. You must also understand that sitting in a corner and play ludo, so there is the risk of dropping out of the program, she says in the video above the article, and continues:

It was Mark, I had in mind.

Katarina Estrup Larsen acknowledges that it is not so ‘good’ on tv, and that it was ‘douchey’ done, but she points out that much is cut off when the 24 hours should be cut down to 40 minutes of tv.

– They adjust it to what the viewers want to see. So they’ve run it up to something that wasn’t so wild at all, she says about flirting with Abdul Gheith.

She stresses at the same time:

– Me and Mark weren’t lovers.

Katarina is for guys, but can have sex with girls. Video/editing: Anthon Unger/Kristian Hansen

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Mikkel Søndergaard tells to the others in the villa were deeply astonished.

– There was not any of us who had seen it coming, he says.

You can also see the full program including: