“Kirchner set up – wants to be vice president”

“Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner announces that she is aiming to be a vice president in the upcoming election.”

“the News will come as a surprise, then, Kirchner by many been seen as the likely challenger to the incumbent president Mauricio Macris broad coalition. Instead, it will be Alberto Fernández candidate for the presidency. Fernández was the government’s chief of staff, which in Argentina is equivalent to a prime minister, 2003-2008.”

“Cristina Kirchner was president 2007-2015, was a connection of peronismen with his party, the Partido Justicialista. After this she has been accused of widespread corruption during the reign, and the first trial is expected to start within this month after being pushed forward. Kirchner claims that her opponents are trying to put her.”

“the Presidential election takes place in October and is predicted to be an even match. The current economic recession, and inflation is believed to have shattered the confidence of the marknadsvänlige Mauricio Macri and be able to be to the advantage of his challenger.”