Erhvervskvinden Stine Bosse is one of the 485,000 japanese, the danes, who have got a letter saying that they have been written-off debt to the public.

It writes Stine Bosse on Twitter, where she presents a picture from Gældsstyrelsen. In the letter it says that she has been written off 196,52 crowns.

I simply can’t understand it. I think that it seems odd that you are not trying to recover them.

– I can well understand that people with a heavy economy says that it can’t answer itself.

– But I both can and will pay the amount I owe. I had no idea I owed the money, says Stine Bosse.

Stine Bosse says she has a debt of almost 4000 crowns to the public, as she didn’t know.

Known erhvervskvinde get written off the public debt of 197 kronor

She wonders in addition to there not attached to a giro, so she can pay the money she still owes.

She believes that there could be made a greater effort to collect money.

– it seems To me very strange. It seems to me that it is done regardless of whether people actually can pay, says Stine Bosse.

She works for a living as a professional board member, and sits among others on the board in the German forsikringsgigant Allianz and chairman of the board of Banknordik, Tele Greenland and Nunaoil.

Previously, she has, among other things, through eight years been the executive director of the insurance company Tryg.

It is otherwise, according to the tax authorities mainly benefit recipients, disability pensioners and others with low incomes, who have been written off debts.

The big debt write-off to the 485,000 japanese persons amounting to 5.8 billion dollars and follows a political decision from last summer, as the entire Parliament was behind it.

the Rationale has been that it would be hard to claw the money into, and that the cost of doing so would exceed the debt-to-real value.

For the vast majority are small amount. Nine out of ten get forgiven amount of less than 2000 crowns.

The big gældsnedskrivning happens as a part of the clearing work that needs to get recovery of the public debt back on track.

the Recovery has been hit by problems and fejlopkrævninger the last three years.

It is due to the tax authorities in september 2015 had to scrap the digital system for recovery EFI, because the Attorney was reached, there was carried out the illegal recoveries.