“Lantisarna have the right to welfare,”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“How far you need to travel in order to buy a litre of milk? Where are the roads cleared winter, when shared the item, how long can you be without electricity if there is a power failure?”

“On such issues is one of the most central conflicts of our time: the city against the country. No, it is, of course, is nothing new, but perhaps taken it a bit more seriously in the day. And we can probably thank the events in the outside world. Donald Trump became president through the support from the rural people. There were people outside of London who ensured that the Uk should leave the EU.”

“In Sweden live, most of the people in a city. At the same time as the townspeople become more and more experiencing 40 per cent of those living outside the metropolitan areas to the tensions between Stockholm and the rest of the country has increased over the past ten years. It showed the Stockholm Chamber of commerce, in a report presented in the last year. Many of the respondents felt that city dwellers lack the insight of how it is like to live in other places.”

“In 30 years, the population has decreased in almost half of the country’s municipalities. And with the relocation the disappearance of the shops, placement services, residential buildings are left empty, the buses and trains just run past. At the same time shrinking the tax base which undermines well-being.”

“According to Sweden’s Municipalities and County councils will the cost of health care, school and care until the next election to increase by 62 billion more than the revenue. And it is money that the municipalities are not able to take in council tax without creating great injustice.”

“Before the election in the fall, spoke several parliamentary parties that the countryside was worth investing in. The centre party promised to work to increase police and läkartätheten. The social democrats promised better roads and the green Party suggested that the property tax for wind and hydro power would go to the municipalities where the energy is produced. Part of that is in the so-called januariavtalet, but far away from everything.”

“Should the whole country living requires that the state takes greater responsibility for welfare and social services, to relocating government jobs, alters the equalisation system, build roads and rails. It costs money, of course. Money that will be difficult to find when Conservatives and christian democrat carried out a sixth of the earned income tax credit and the government has promised to C and L to remove värnkatten, lower payroll taxes and triple the rut-deduction.”

“The social problem that the voters in the rural areas see in their everyday lives at risk simply to remain unresolved. It can, in the long term destroy the conditions for a scheme where citizens pay a large share of their income in taxes to get a social protection and a society that works. The actual welfare state, that is.”

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