I feel exploited, it is cynical and dirty.

this is the tough statement from the Norwegian comedian and author Sofie Frøysaa.

The 30-year-old woman has appeared in an interview on kropspositivisme in the Norwegian version of the modemagasinet Elle, but is shocked that her picture has been through Photoshop – despite the fact that the article is accompanied by the heading: ‘I own my body’.

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… I eier clearly not the body my when Elle thinks it’s OK y retusjere ansiktet chest and mitt on this måten. Oh the fucking irony: WHAT is poenget with y make a sak on kroppspositivisme and selvaksept when retusjeringen åpenbart kommuniserer that I am not good enough as I am? I remember when I was young and leste skjønnhetsmagasiner. For the first ante I not to bildene was fixed on, I fikk bare vondt in similar and tears in øynene when I innså that I never came for y to get so the “perfect” skin as they avbildede kvinnene. Had I just visst that they could not be gotten like perfect skin, they likewise, had it not the host of the Photoshop. It is so in overtime å merke retusjert advertising — it gives me a pointless unrealistic production av virkeligheten. This breeds unnecessary and potensielt helseskadelige complexes. I have arr in the trynet on grunn av acne in tenårene, strekkmerker on puppene, wrinkles in the panna, ringer under øynene on grunn av perpetual lack of sleep, but hei — it is COMPLETELY greit. And completely natural. I feel meg brukt, this is cynical and skittent. Not layers a sak on such a maybe even bigger theme, so y piss on the whole budskapet mitt. Practice what you preach and DON’T correct me if I’m “wrong”!

A spread shared by Sofie Frøysaa (@sofsen) the

‘I own is clearly not my body, when Or think it is okay to retouch my face and my tits in this way. Oh the fucking irony: WHAT is the point of writing about kropspositivisme and self-acceptance, when the retouching communicates that I’m not good enough as I am?’, she writes on his Instagram profile.

Frøysaa has written the book ‘Jenteloven’ along with the ‘Shame’star, Ulrikke Falch, also published in Danish.

Sofie Frøysaa and Ulrikke Falch has written the book ‘Jenteloven’. Photo: Emma Sejersen/Ritzau Scanpix

Sofie Frøysaa is not the only Norwegian woman, who directs a critique against Elle.

Also kropaktivisten Carina Elisabeth Carlsen is angry to have appeared in artikelserien in the magazine, as she also believes that her image has been edited.

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With a sitat to all kropper is ok, and that it’s not noe errors y not ha the university of idealkroppen, I am redigert and fixed on – and this to a sak which must act on the kroppspositivisme and viktigheten av y ta eierskap of the kropp. For a time tilbake diaper I intervjuet av Or kroppspositivisme, together with a bundle of other bra ladies. Yesterday, Sofie Frøysaa (@sofsen) meg oppmerksom that we are the redigert and photoshoppet to the nearest ugjenkjennelige. With bakgrunn in what kind of sak it’s meant ta be, after all, is this a taunt. I plugged in my time å lese damebladert because they fikk meg to y feel meg ræva. When I stilte opp on this intervjuet it was with håp on the y could show that kropper see ut on ulike show, and that it is not some errors måte å ha a kropp on. Elle sier noe absolutely everything when they retusjerer meg plettfri. When I look at bildet, I see that I barely have trekk again. I am glatt. I am not glatt. I have strekkmerker on similar and arms, and I have nupper and hairy on the thighs, and I have valker. I have bart and the lot ansiktshår, and I have merker after a hundebitt on one of the kinnet. I have dessuten hårete armer, and all of this is greit. It shows that this is a 33-year-old kropp which have overlevd quite mye. It as kanskje skremmer meg most is this should I ha sett itself, and this shows how common it is and how we did it is that this goes under the radar. This also shows that although it is a huge motstand that ute, it is maybe even bigger å brette opp ermene and fortsette this fight which does not look ut for y some end ha. I velger å sitere Frøysaa: “I feel meg brukt, this is cynical and skittent. Not layers a sak on such a maybe even bigger theme, so y piss on the whole budskapet mitt. Practice what you preach and DON’T correct me if I’m “wrong”!” #kroppspositivisme #kroppsaktivist

A lookup divided by Carina (@fetmenfattet) the

‘yesterday, Sofie Frøysaa pointed out to me that we have almost been edited and photoshoppet to uigenkendelighed. With that in mind, what type of case it was meant to be, it is a mockery’, she writes on her Instagram profile.

‘When I asked to the interview, it was hoping to be able to show that the bodies look different, and that it is not a wrong way to have a body on. Elle says something else, when the retouches the immaculate’, she adds.

the Editor of Elle, Petra Middelthon, has the following response to his paper’s interviewofre according to the VG:

‘We believe of course that In is fine, as In is. In ELLE must really not be manipulated with. We must never diminish, enlarge, or alter figure, forms or ansiktstræk, and we have also not done with these images. But we are sorry if you think that the term has become too polished, and we take note of’, she says and adds that the style is due to the magazine using the photographers that put the ‘sophisticated lighting’.

The explains buy Frøysaa however, is not.

– I do not understand why they don’t just lay down flat. It is quite obvious that the light does not make any slimmer or change the essential facial features and she says to VG.