“The’ last in, first out” should not be obviously the”
“the Centre party: New inquiry’s mandate – to deliver the expanded exemptions from the turordningsreglerna”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. After decades of failed attempts, Sweden can finally take a decisive step towards opening the labour market for more. An inquiry in the day with a clear mission to make it easier to hire, not least in small businesses. At the same time, employees must get lifelong learning.”
“Despite years of economic boom, despite the fact that employers want to hire, is the Swedish labour market in poor condition. Hundreds of thousands of people outside the labour market, many of them have never gotten their first job. Sweden is a rich country with a labour market that creates poverty.”
“We have traveled many barriers to jobs; high taxes on work, a state Employment service that does not deliver, very few startjobb without training requirements. There are problems that the Centre party now, step by step, start address Januariavtalet.”
“A problem has, however, proved to be very insoluble in decades, for both the Alliance as well as the red-green; the rigidity of the rules around employment.”
“The Swedish labour market model is based on that the state should not go in and regulate, without unions and employers, on their own will agree pay and conditions. But during the vänstervågen during the early 1970s, broke with the tradition of the Swedish model and a series of detailed rules of the law on employment introduced. “
“Among other things, the rule of last-in, first-out, which require that the with at least year of employment shall be terminated first. The motive for turordningsreglerna was that the employees would be protected, but in practice leads to the rules in the day that the employer never dare fastanställa the very people who are most vulnerable; those who have weak English, no high school diploma, or have been long-term unemployed. “
“at the same time, many who had long service with these regulations to make them secure, and will be addressed when the tray yet, all too often, negotiating away their turn and they suddenly end up at the back of the queue to the next job.”
“these problems can be solved. Denmark is one of several välfärdsnationer who has a working ”flexicurity”, the security with flexibility, where rules make it easy for small businesses to hire and the employees in return will be able to get a new job through strong professional development. It has provided higher security and lower unemployment than in Sweden. “
“Germany, which had the same duality of the labour market, Sweden, made 17 years ago, a major reform for flexibility, and has gone from one of Europe’s highest unemployment and one of the most stable minimum.”
“Now it is Sweden’s turn to begin to create ”flexicurity”. Today presented the investigation to modernise labour law. The foundations were laid in the Januariavtalet, with a clear framework and precise objectives. Now it has been strengthened further in the detailed utredningsdirektiv, which shall ensure that the compliance burden is decreasing, not least for small businesses, among other things, clear the exception in the turordningsreglerna which reduces the tillväxtbarriärerna for small businesses. At the same time, all of the employees to acquire new skills to be strengthened, and lifelong learning.”
“With this investigation, we put also a clear pressure on the social partners, both unions and employers. They can agree on a at least as powerful arbetsmarknadsreform we stand prepared to implement it instead. The parties have now no time to lose.”
“It should be said that this is a historic reform, which until recently was considered politically impossible. The first Januariavtalet resolved in the political settling up, and a broad majority in the parliament say they now support changes. These reforms will, in the nick of time, just as the global economy weakened and the need to get more people into jobs becomes more acute. “
“In a time of populism and pessimism, Sweden needs to regain its confidence and begin to solve our country’s problems. “
“nMartin Ådahl, chief economist for the Centre party.”
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